Businesses for sale - Licciana Nardi (Italy)

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Industrial building for sale Licciana Nardi (VBB94111)
1 158 000 €

54016 Licciana Nardi

COURT OF MASSA CARRARA Fall. no. 22/2023. G.D. Dr. Pinna Elisa. SINGLE Lot - Licciana Nardi (MS), via Piano Della Quercia Snc: Real estate-business-production complex for the activity of woodworking and the production of packaging for industrial and commercial products, consisting of real estate, intangible assets and movable assets pertaining to and available to the Judicial Liquidation: 1) REAL ESTATE: rights of full ownership of the real estate compendium including: industrial/craft warehouse; portion of the building, as well as land, as better described and identified in the notice of sale. 1.B) MOVABLE AND INTANGIBLE ASSETS: WOOD-CUTTING MACHINERY, PLANT AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT, HANDLING EQUIPMENT, OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT, FINISHED PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE. 1.C) CONTRACTUAL RELATIONSHIPS: all contracts stipulated for the operation of the company. 1.D) EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIPS with open-ended employment existing on the date of the opening of the judicial liquidation, currently equal to no. 13 units regulated by the CCNL for Wood and Forestry PMI-CONFAPI. Base price: Euro 781,650.00. Minimum bid: Euro 586,237.50. Sale without auction: 28/10/2024 at 10:00 am. Manager: ### . Info c/o the Delegate/Custodian Dr. Menchinelli Attilio tel. ### Want to know more?


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