Property (page 17)

63583 results (321 - 340)

9200 Dendermonde

469 500 € - 525 000 €

Binnenkort bouwt RDS Construct deze 3 energiezuinige woningen omgeven door rustgevende velden maar toch op wandelafstand van het treinstation van St Gillis Dendermonde., Deze drie loten worden voorzien van vloerverwarming met modulerende warmtepomp lucht-water en zonnepanelen. Tevens een ventilatietype D. Een regenwaterput van 7000l met aansluitpunt naar de wasmachine en toilet. Een inpandige garage biedt plaats voor jouw wagen. Interesse? Contacteer ons reserveer nu jouw woning. Er wordt gestreefd naar een E-peil 20 of lager. De woning voldoet volledig aan de nieuwe normen, hier woon je energiezuinig. De woningen zijn functioneel ingedeeld. 0p het gelijkvloers treffen we een hal met toilet, een lichtrijke leefruimte met openkeuken en aangrenzend een functionele berging. Op de eerste verdieping treffen we 3 slaapkamers, een toilet en badkamer met bad en douche. LOT 2 heeft zelfs een slaapkamer met dressing en naastliggende badkamer en een extra doucheruimte voor de 2 andere slaapkamers. De afwerking kies je naar eigen smaak volgens de budgetten in het lastenboek. De vaste trap naar de zolder boven biedt mogelijkheden voor extra opslagruimte of kan worden omgebouwd tot een extra hobbyruimte. Geniet in het zonnetje op je aangenaam terras in de zonnige tuin uitkijkend op groen. Diverse winkels vind je in de buurt! Want to know more?

3 Bedroom(s) 190 - 228 1 - 2 Bathroom(s)

1000 Brussels

625 000 € - 1 995 000 €

Vaneau Lecobel vous présente un projet exceptionnel au cœur du célèbre quartier historique du Parc et du Palais d'Egmont, du Petit Sablon et du Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles. Le projet Sequenza se compose de 15 appartements de grand standing, offrant des superficies allant de ± 110 m² à ± 214 m², avec 2 à 3 chambres et de spacieuses terrasses orientées sud-ouest offrant une vue imprenable sur le parc. Ce projet d'exception vous garantit une qualité de vie incomparable grâce à sa situation privilégiée. Il se distingue également par ses caractéristiques de sécurité avancées, telles que les portes blindées, le sas d'entrée dans l'immeuble et les fenêtres dotées de vitres anti-effraction. De plus, il est conçu pour être écoénergétique, grâce à l'utilisation de panneaux solaires et d'une toiture végétalisée. L'isolation thermique et acoustique est soigneusement poussée avec des fenêtres à triple vitrage et un système de ventilation à double flux. Les caves sont incluses, et des parkings en sous-sol sont disponibles moyennant un supplément (+40.000€). La livraison est prévue au printemps 2025. La vente se fait sous le régime de la TVA, avec une possibilité de taux réduit à 6%. Le PEB estimatif est de classe A. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations sur le projet Sequenza, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter par téléphone au ### ou par e-mail à ### . Want to know more?

2 - 3 Bedroom(s) 110 - 204 2 - 3 Bathroom(s)

7520 Templeuve

285 000 € - 385 000 €

Maisons 3 chambres avec jardin et garage ou carport dans un nouveau quartier au cœur de Templeuve. Rez-de-chaussée : hall d'entrée avec WC séparé avec lave-mains, séjour avec cuisine équipée ouverte (7.000 € HTVA), cellier, garage, coin buanderie, garage avec porte sectionnelle motorisée ou carport, place de parking, fondation de terrasse prête et jardin non engazonné Etage : 3 chambres, salle de bain avec baignoire, douche 120 x 90 cm, meuble vasque, miroir et WC (séparé selon les lots) Caractéristiques techniques : c hâssis PVC gris anthracite double vitrage, portes intérieures prêtes à peindre, seuils en pierre bleue, escalier en rubberwood, chauffage central au gaz de ville, chaudière de marque Buderus, radiateurs, VMC simple flux de type C+, carrelage au choix avec plinthes assorties pour le rez-de-chaussée et la salle de bain et le hall de nuit à l’étage d'une valeur de 35€/m² HTVA, grès CERAM (30 x 30) d'une valeur de 20€/m² HTVA pour le garage, faïences dans la douche et autour de la baignoire (35€/m² HTVA), revêtement de sol des chambres non compris et citerne de récupération d’eau de pluie de 10.000 litres, pompe non comprise, tuyau Socarex placé PEB visé B Livraison selon les lots Prix affichés hors frais - Vente sous régime des droits d'enregistrement (12,5%) sur le terrain, éligible à 3 % sous conditions, et de la TVA sur la construction Les surfaces indiquées ne sont pas des surfaces habitables mais des surfaces brutes, selon le code de mesurage appliqué en Belgique Retrouvez toutes les informations sur ce projet sur notre site ### . Les propriétaires se réservent le droit de décision, d'acceptation ou non sur toute(s) offre(s) soumise(s) pour leur bien Want to know more?

3 Bedroom(s) 126 - 155 1 Bathroom(s)

8670 Sint-Idesbald

485 000 €

Residence Beach Avenue: Exclusive living in the heart of Sint-IdesbaldWelcome to residence beach avenue, an exclusive new development ideally located in the centre of sint-idesbald, just a short walk from the beach and the vibrant promenade.The building features a commercial space on the ground floor, with one spacious three-bedroom apartment on each of the first, second and third floors. The fourth floor houses a luxurious penthouse with two bedrooms and sun-drenched terraces, perfect for all-day enjoyment.Large windows ensure abundant natural light, while the clever layout guarantees optimal living comfort. Each apartment is finished with high-quality, durable materials and equipped with underfloor heating, an energy-efficient heat pump, and a Type D ventilation system.Private storage units and parking spaces are available in the underground garage, easily accessible via a car lift. In this way, beach avenue combines modern comfort with stylish living in a prime location.Choose an exclusive living experience in one of the most desirable seaside resorts on the coast. Want to know more?

3 Bedroom(s) 188 5 unit(s)

8580 Avelgem

205 000 € - 385 000 €

Nieuwbouwproject Kloostertuin bestaat uit 7 woonblokken met 50 moderne, energiezuinige appartementen en 6 gezinswoningen, gelegen in een groene en rustige omgeving in Avelgem.Welkom in Avelgem, een groene parel op het kruispunt van Oost-Vlaanderen, West-Vlaanderen en Henegouwen. Hier zal nieuwbouwproject De Kloostertuin de natuur van de nabijgelegen Scheldemeersen tot in het hart van de gemeente brengen. Het project komt tot leven op de voormalige site van de Sint-Jan Berchmansschool, die plaatsmaakt voor zes residenties, goed voor 51 appartementen en zes handelsruimtes, rondom een binnentuin met een boomgaard. De Kloosterstraat wordt omgevormd tot een veilige, groene fiets- en wandelroute die de gemeente met de Scheldemeersen verbindt.De appartementen variëren in grootte en afwerking, met 1, 2 of 3 slaapkamers en ruime, zuidgerichte terrassen! Alle appartementen worden voorzien van energiebesparende technologieën.Of u nu zoekt naar een gezinswoning, een lichtrijk appartement of een penthouse met panoramisch uitzicht, Kloostertuin biedt voor ieder wat wils.Het is mogelijk een autostaanplaats , garagebox en/of kelderberging bij te kopen. Gemeenschappelijke fietsenstallingen zijn aanwezig.De gepubliceerde prijzen zijn exclusief registratie-, notariskosten en BTW.Voor meer informatie, neem contact op via ### of e-mail naar ### . Want to know more?

1 - 3 Bedroom(s) 74 - 192 1 Bathroom(s)

7130 Bray

327 851 € - 352 851 €

Situé entre Binche et Mons, ce tout nouveau quartier donne sur de belles prairies, offrant un cadre de vie paisible et agréable pour les années à venir. Nous sommes convaincus que nos maisons et appartements sauront vous séduire et vous convaincre de sauter le pas ! Ce lotissement est composé de 18 maisons ainsi que de 32 appartements. Chaque maison se compose d’un garage, d’un jardin ainsi et d’une possibilité d’aménagement des combles. Les biens que nous vous proposons comptent entre 3 et chaque 5 chambres. Vous aurez le choix parmi un large éventail de maisons 2 et 3 façades, toutes conçues avec soin pour offrir le meilleur de notre architecture. Isolation acoustique soignée mais également un PEB classe A, de châssis PVC avec double vitrage, des carrelages pour toutes les pièces de vie de la maison et parquet mélaminé pour les chambres Chaque maison intègre une chaudière individuelle au gaz à condensation ainsi qu’un système de ventilation motorisé Ce nouveau lieu de vie familial se distingue par une architecture homogène, aérée et dynamique, répondant à un cahier des charges ultra complet. Alors n’hésitez plus ! Contactez-nous ! Want to know more?

3 Bedroom(s) 193 - 194 1 Bathroom(s)

7130 Bray

183 661 € - 292 426 €

Découvrez ALBA, le nouveau quartier résidentiel à ne pas manquer ! Avec ses 18 maisons et 32 appartements, ALBA offre un cadre de vie familial unique, caractérisé par une architecture harmonieuse, aérée et dynamique, répondant à un cahier des charges exhaustif. Vous aurez l’embarras du choix parmi une vaste sélection d’appartements, tous conçus avec soin pour refléter notre excellence architecturale. Le projet met en avant des standards de qualité élevée, tels que l'isolation acoustique et thermique, la classe énergétique A, chaudière gaz et chauffage sol, une ventilation motorisée, des matériaux de pointe, des jardins pour les appartements du rez-de-chaussée et des balcons pour les autres appartements et des voiries soigneusement aménagées. Ces deux bâtiments d’appartements, offrant de 1 à 3 chambres et de 70 à 128 m2, se distinguent par leurs espaces généreux. Vous pourrez choisir parmi de nombreuses orientations, selon vos préférences. De plus, le premier bâtiment propose également des sous-sols avec caves et parkings à la vente. Intéressé ? N’hésitez pas à nous contacter ! Want to know more?

1 - 2 Bedroom(s) 70 - 120 18 unit(s)

3520 Zonhoven

465 000 € - 695 000 €

BREMHOVEN, JOUW SHORTCUT NAAR STAD EN NATUUR Bremhoven is een gloednieuw woonproject in Zonhoven, gelegen vlakbij natuurgebied De Platwijers en op slechts enkele minuten van het bruisende Hasselt. Dit exclusieve project biedt 17 stijlvolle woningen, met keuze uit 3 open bebouwingen en 14 halfopen woningen. Met een unieke combinatie van moderne en pastorale architectuur is er voor elke levensstijl een passende woning. EEN THUIS DIE BIJ JE PAST In Bremhoven staat de veelzijdigheid van woningen centraal. De verschillende prijsklassen en de mogelijkheid tot personalisatie zorgen ervoor dat jij jouw droomhuis kunt creëren. Alle woningen zijn voorzien van drie ruime slaapkamers en slimme indelingen die jong en oud aanspreken. ALLES WAT JE ZOEKT OP ÉÉN PLEK ·Een groene ontmoetingsplek ·Centrale ligging - het beste van twee werelden ·Autoluwe omgeving - veilig en sereen ·Volledig personaliseerbaar - jouw woning, jouw stijl ·E-peil onder 0: duurzaam en energieneutraal wonen ·Een architecturale mix - modern en klassiek in harmonie Ontdek hier alle informatie of contacteer ons voor een afspraak. Want to know more?

3 Bedroom(s) 155 - 275 1 - 2 Bathroom(s)

3040 Loonbeek

735 000 € - 785 000 €

Located in a quiet and rural residential area, between the village centers of Huldenberg and Loonbeek and close to important connecting roads, we are honored to offer for sale this modern and timeless new construction project. This contemporary and energy efficient new construction project has been realized by a renowned construction company and concerns 2 three-fronted houses. Want to know more?

4 Bedroom(s) 205 - 210 2 Bathroom(s)

9000 Gent

235 000 € - 390 000 €

Our website shows only a small part of the offer in project “ Bloei”. Contact us without obligation for an overview of all available entities of “Bloei”. “Bloei” stands for greenery, accessibility and affordability in Ghent, with nature as a common thread running through it, located between a newly constructed sustainable park and an existing forest. “Bloei” will be built between Ghent-Sint-Pieters, ‘The Loop’ and the AZ Maria Middelares. The City of Ghent will invest in this project area in the coming years to create a new and vibrant part of the city. The Project The Bloei residential project, spread over several buildings along Vossenbos, consists of a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments all equipped with a spacious terrace. Large windows of Bloei draw in light while enjoying an open view of the park or forest, while maintaining privacy. The apartments of Bloei are practically laid out so that you can make the most of all the spaces and furnish them according to your own style and wishes. Thanks to a stylish and quality finish, the residential units of Bloei have a handsome appearance. In phase 2 we offer you building Marjolein (4) and building Steenanjer (5). Sustainability All residential units of Bloei are almost energy-neutral (BEN) and fully comply with the stricter requirements regarding energy consumption. This includes the use of solar panels and heat pumps. The park to be constructed at Bloei is also dedicated to biodiversity. Optimally furnished apartments with spacious terraces, a safe living environment and several meeting places ensure that both young and old feel at home in “Bloei”. Location With a mobiscore of 8.9/10, “Bloei” is perfectly located near the Gent-Sint-Pieters train station and the main access roads to and from Ghent. The center of Ghent - with all its stores, cultural sites and cozy restaurants - is easily accessible by bicycle and public transport. You can also reach Bloei easily by bike thanks to the multiple cycling routes. A beautiful new apartment or a smart investment? “Bloei” has it all! Fixed and no reviewable price. Make your appointment now with Anthony at ### for detailed information. Want to know more?

1 - 3 Bedroom(s) 57 - 97 1 - 2 Bathroom(s)

9000 Gent

260 000 € - 360 000 €

Our website shows only a small part of the offer in project “ Bloei”. Contact us without obligation for an overview of all available entities of “Bloei”. “Bloei” stands for greenery, accessibility and affordability in Ghent, with nature as a common thread running through it, located between a newly constructed sustainable park and an existing forest. “Bloei” will be built between Ghent-Sint-Pieters, ‘The Loop’ and the AZ Maria Middelares. The City of Ghent will invest in this project area in the coming years to create a new and vibrant part of the city. The Project The Bloei residential project, spread over several buildings along Vossenbos, consists of a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments all equipped with a spacious terrace. Large windows of Bloei draw in light while enjoying an open view of the park or forest, while maintaining privacy. The apartments of Bloei are practically laid out so that you can make the most of all the spaces and furnish them according to your own style and wishes. Thanks to a stylish and quality finish, the residential units of Bloei have a handsome appearance. In phase 2 we offer you building Marjolein (4) and building Steenanjer (5). Sustainability All residential units of Bloei are almost energy-neutral (BEN) and fully comply with the stricter requirements regarding energy consumption. This includes the use of solar panels and heat pumps. The park to be constructed at Bloei is also dedicated to biodiversity. Optimally furnished apartments with spacious terraces, a safe living environment and several meeting places ensure that both young and old feel at home in “Bloei”. Location With a mobiscore of 8.9/10, “Bloei” is perfectly located near the Gent-Sint-Pieters train station and the main access roads to and from Ghent. The center of Ghent - with all its stores, cultural sites and cozy restaurants - is easily accessible by bicycle and public transport. You can also reach Bloei easily by bike thanks to the multiple cycling routes. A beautiful new apartment or a smart investment? “Bloei” has it all! Fixed and no reviewable price. Make your appointment now with Anthony at ### for detailed information. Want to know more?

1 - 3 Bedroom(s) 76 - 104 1 - 2 Bathroom(s)

9000 Gent

260 000 € - 360 000 €

Our website shows only a small part of the offer in project “ Bloei”. Contact us without obligation for an overview of all available entities of “Bloei”. “Bloei” stands for greenery, accessibility and affordability in Ghent, with nature as a common thread running through it, located between a newly constructed sustainable park and an existing forest. “Bloei” will be built between Ghent-Sint-Pieters, ‘The Loop’ and the AZ Maria Middelares. The City of Ghent will invest in this project area in the coming years to create a new and vibrant part of the city. The Project The Bloei residential project, spread over several buildings along Vossenbos, consists of a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments all equipped with a spacious terrace. Large windows of Bloei draw in light while enjoying an open view of the park or forest, while maintaining privacy. The apartments of Bloei are practically laid out so that you can make the most of all the spaces and furnish them according to your own style and wishes. Thanks to a stylish and quality finish, the residential units of Bloei have a handsome appearance. In phase 2 we offer you building Marjolein (4) and building Steenanjer (5). Sustainability All residential units of Bloei are almost energy-neutral (BEN) and fully comply with the stricter requirements regarding energy consumption. This includes the use of solar panels and heat pumps. The park to be constructed at Bloei is also dedicated to biodiversity. Optimally furnished apartments with spacious terraces, a safe living environment and several meeting places ensure that both young and old feel at home in “Bloei”. Location With a mobiscore of 8.9/10, “Bloei” is perfectly located near the Gent-Sint-Pieters train station and the main access roads to and from Ghent. The center of Ghent - with all its stores, cultural sites and cozy restaurants - is easily accessible by bicycle and public transport. You can also reach Bloei easily by bike thanks to the multiple cycling routes. A beautiful new apartment or a smart investment? “Bloei” has it all! Fixed and no reviewable price. Make your appointment now with Anthony at ### for detailed information. Want to know more?

1 - 3 Bedroom(s) 76 - 104 1 - 2 Bathroom(s)

9000 Gent

235 000 € - 390 000 €

Our website shows only a small part of the offer in project “ Bloei”. Contact us without obligation for an overview of all available entities of “Bloei”. “Bloei” stands for greenery, accessibility and affordability in Ghent, with nature as a common thread running through it, located between a newly constructed sustainable park and an existing forest. “Bloei” will be built between Ghent-Sint-Pieters, ‘The Loop’ and the AZ Maria Middelares. The City of Ghent will invest in this project area in the coming years to create a new and vibrant part of the city. The Project The Bloei residential project, spread over several buildings along Vossenbos, consists of a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments all equipped with a spacious terrace. Large windows of Bloei draw in light while enjoying an open view of the park or forest, while maintaining privacy. The apartments of Bloei are practically laid out so that you can make the most of all the spaces and furnish them according to your own style and wishes. Thanks to a stylish and quality finish, the residential units of Bloei have a handsome appearance. In phase 2 we offer you building Marjolein (4) and building Steenanjer (5). Sustainability All residential units of Bloei are almost energy-neutral (BEN) and fully comply with the stricter requirements regarding energy consumption. This includes the use of solar panels and heat pumps. The park to be constructed at Bloei is also dedicated to biodiversity. Optimally furnished apartments with spacious terraces, a safe living environment and several meeting places ensure that both young and old feel at home in “Bloei”. Location With a mobiscore of 8.9/10, “Bloei” is perfectly located near the Gent-Sint-Pieters train station and the main access roads to and from Ghent. The center of Ghent - with all its stores, cultural sites and cozy restaurants - is easily accessible by bicycle and public transport. You can also reach Bloei easily by bike thanks to the multiple cycling routes. A beautiful new apartment or a smart investment? “Bloei” has it all! Fixed and no reviewable price. Make your appointment now with Anthony at ### for detailed information. Want to know more?

1 - 3 Bedroom(s) 57 - 97 1 - 2 Bathroom(s)

9000 Gent

235 000 € - 390 000 €

Our website shows only a small part of the offer in project “ Bloei”. Contact us without obligation for an overview of all available entities of “Bloei”. “Bloei” stands for greenery, accessibility and affordability in Ghent, with nature as a common thread running through it, located between a newly constructed sustainable park and an existing forest. “Bloei” will be built between Ghent-Sint-Pieters, ‘The Loop’ and the AZ Maria Middelares. The City of Ghent will invest in this project area in the coming years to create a new and vibrant part of the city. The Project The Bloei residential project, spread over several buildings along Vossenbos, consists of a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments all equipped with a spacious terrace. Large windows of Bloei draw in light while enjoying an open view of the park or forest, while maintaining privacy. The apartments of Bloei are practically laid out so that you can make the most of all the spaces and furnish them according to your own style and wishes. Thanks to a stylish and quality finish, the residential units of Bloei have a handsome appearance. In phase 2 we offer you building Marjolein (4) and building Steenanjer (5). Sustainability All residential units of Bloei are almost energy-neutral (BEN) and fully comply with the stricter requirements regarding energy consumption. This includes the use of solar panels and heat pumps. The park to be constructed at Bloei is also dedicated to biodiversity. Optimally furnished apartments with spacious terraces, a safe living environment and several meeting places ensure that both young and old feel at home in “Bloei”. Location With a mobiscore of 8.9/10, “Bloei” is perfectly located near the Gent-Sint-Pieters train station and the main access roads to and from Ghent. The center of Ghent - with all its stores, cultural sites and cozy restaurants - is easily accessible by bicycle and public transport. You can also reach Bloei easily by bike thanks to the multiple cycling routes. A beautiful new apartment or a smart investment? “Bloei” has it all! Fixed and no reviewable price. Make your appointment now with Anthony at ### for detailed information. Want to know more?

57 - 104 6 unit(s)

9051 Afsnee

260 000 € - 360 000 €

Our website shows only a small part of the offer in project “ Bloei”. Contact us without obligation for an overview of all available entities of “Bloei”. “Bloei” stands for greenery, accessibility and affordability in Ghent, with nature as a common thread running through it, located between a newly constructed sustainable park and an existing forest. “Bloei” will be built between Ghent-Sint-Pieters, ‘The Loop’ and the AZ Maria Middelares. The City of Ghent will invest in this project area in the coming years to create a new and vibrant part of the city. The Project The Bloei residential project, spread over several buildings along Vossenbos, consists of a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments all equipped with a spacious terrace. Large windows of Bloei draw in light while enjoying an open view of the park or forest, while maintaining privacy. The apartments of Bloei are practically laid out so that you can make the most of all the spaces and furnish them according to your own style and wishes. Thanks to a stylish and quality finish, the residential units of Bloei have a handsome appearance. In phase 2 we offer you building Marjolein (4) and building Steenanjer (5). Sustainability All residential units of Bloei are almost energy-neutral (BEN) and fully comply with the stricter requirements regarding energy consumption. This includes the use of solar panels and heat pumps. The park to be constructed at Bloei is also dedicated to biodiversity. Optimally furnished apartments with spacious terraces, a safe living environment and several meeting places ensure that both young and old feel at home in “Bloei”. Location With a mobiscore of 8.9/10, “Bloei” is perfectly located near the Gent-Sint-Pieters train station and the main access roads to and from Ghent. The center of Ghent - with all its stores, cultural sites and cozy restaurants - is easily accessible by bicycle and public transport. You can also reach Bloei easily by bike thanks to the multiple cycling routes. A beautiful new apartment or a smart investment? “Bloei” has it all! Fixed and no reviewable price. Make your appointment now with Anthony at ### for detailed information. Want to know more?

1 - 3 Bedroom(s) 76 - 104 1 - 2 Bathroom(s)

9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem

235 000 € - 390 000 €

Our website shows only a small part of the offer in project “ Bloei”. Contact us without obligation for an overview of all available entities of “Bloei”. “Bloei” stands for greenery, accessibility and affordability in Ghent, with nature as a common thread running through it, located between a newly constructed sustainable park and an existing forest. “Bloei” will be built between Ghent-Sint-Pieters, ‘The Loop’ and the AZ Maria Middelares. The City of Ghent will invest in this project area in the coming years to create a new and vibrant part of the city. The Project The Bloei residential project, spread over several buildings along Vossenbos, consists of a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments all equipped with a spacious terrace. Large windows of Bloei draw in light while enjoying an open view of the park or forest, while maintaining privacy. The apartments of Bloei are practically laid out so that you can make the most of all the spaces and furnish them according to your own style and wishes. Thanks to a stylish and quality finish, the residential units of Bloei have a handsome appearance. In phase 2 we offer you building Marjolein (4) and building Steenanjer (5). Sustainability All residential units of Bloei are almost energy-neutral (BEN) and fully comply with the stricter requirements regarding energy consumption. This includes the use of solar panels and heat pumps. The park to be constructed at Bloei is also dedicated to biodiversity. Optimally furnished apartments with spacious terraces, a safe living environment and several meeting places ensure that both young and old feel at home in “Bloei”. Location With a mobiscore of 8.9/10, “Bloei” is perfectly located near the Gent-Sint-Pieters train station and the main access roads to and from Ghent. The center of Ghent - with all its stores, cultural sites and cozy restaurants - is easily accessible by bicycle and public transport. You can also reach Bloei easily by bike thanks to the multiple cycling routes. A beautiful new apartment or a smart investment? “Bloei” has it all! Fixed and no reviewable price. Make your appointment now with Anthony at ### for detailed information. Want to know more?

1 - 3 Bedroom(s) 57 - 97 1 - 2 Bathroom(s)

9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem

235 000 € - 390 000 €

Our website shows only a small part of the offer in project “ Bloei”. Contact us without obligation for an overview of all available entities of “Bloei”. “Bloei” stands for greenery, accessibility and affordability in Ghent, with nature as a common thread running through it, located between a newly constructed sustainable park and an existing forest. “Bloei” will be built between Ghent-Sint-Pieters, ‘The Loop’ and the AZ Maria Middelares. The City of Ghent will invest in this project area in the coming years to create a new and vibrant part of the city. The Project The Bloei residential project, spread over several buildings along Vossenbos, consists of a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom apartments all equipped with a spacious terrace. Large windows of Bloei draw in light while enjoying an open view of the park or forest, while maintaining privacy. The apartments of Bloei are practically laid out so that you can make the most of all the spaces and furnish them according to your own style and wishes. Thanks to a stylish and quality finish, the residential units of Bloei have a handsome appearance. In phase 2 we offer you building Marjolein (4) and building Steenanjer (5). Sustainability All residential units of Bloei are almost energy-neutral (BEN) and fully comply with the stricter requirements regarding energy consumption. This includes the use of solar panels and heat pumps. The park to be constructed at Bloei is also dedicated to biodiversity. Optimally furnished apartments with spacious terraces, a safe living environment and several meeting places ensure that both young and old feel at home in “Bloei”. Location With a mobiscore of 8.9/10, “Bloei” is perfectly located near the Gent-Sint-Pieters train station and the main access roads to and from Ghent. The center of Ghent - with all its stores, cultural sites and cozy restaurants - is easily accessible by bicycle and public transport. You can also reach Bloei easily by bike thanks to the multiple cycling routes. A beautiful new apartment or a smart investment? “Bloei” has it all! Fixed and no reviewable price. Make your appointment now with Anthony at ### for detailed information. Want to know more?

57 - 104 6 unit(s)

8620 Nieuwpoort

343 200 € - 395 400 €

Constructions jumelées et fermées - Maison rurale avec jardin agréable - Espace de vie lumineux avec cuisine ouverte - 3 chambres à coucher et grenier spacieux - Environnement verdoyant et calme - Accessibilité facile - Garage intérieur ou emplacement avec carport (carport n'est pas inclus dans le prix, achat obligatoire) Want to know more?

3 Bedroom(s) 153 - 172 1 Bathroom(s)

9030 Mariakerke

429 250 € - 439 750 €

Ligging en omgeving: LOT 17 en 18 worden afgewerkt als BEN-woning. Het project Lieve Gardens is gelegen in Mariakerke. Deze nieuwbouwwoningen genieten een uiterst goede omsluiting, met in de onmiddellijk omgeving van de R4, zo hebt u een vlotte verbinding naar Brussel, Antwerpen en Kortrijk. Daarnaast bevinden winkels, horeca en openbaar vervoer zich op wandel- en fietsafstand. Project en afwerking: Lieve Gardens bestaat uit 21 eigentijdse nieuwbouwwoningen. De woningen beschikken allemaal over een eigen terras en tuin. Bij het ontwerp van deze woningen optimaliseerde Architect Bontinck elke ruimte en werd er nauwgelet rekening gehouden met een mooie lichtinval in de leefruimtes. Er zijn verschillende types woningen, mogelijkheid van 4 tot 5 kamers, 1 of 2 badkamers en allen een privatieve tuinberging achterin de tuin. De woningen zijn voorzien van alle moderne comfort. Er is bij elke woning een autostaanplaats voorzien in de gemeenschappelijke parkeerhaven. De tuinberging kan men bereiken via een padje achter de tuin, zo hoeft u niet met de fiets door de woning. Bent u op zoek naar een nieuwbouwwoning met een vlotte ontsluiting die voldoet aan alle moderne comfort contacteer ons dan zeker! De bouwwerken van de laatste fase gaat zodra van start, oplevering is voorzien tegen half 2024. Contacteer Krista voor meer informatie ### Want to know more?

4 - 5 Bedroom(s) 158 - 173 2 Bathroom(s)

8510 Marke

289 800 € - 309 600 €

Maisons prêtes à être aménagées ! - Choix de bâtiments semi-ouvertes et fermées - 3 chambres à coucher - Grandes fenêtres pour beaucoup de lumière - Faible niveau E 20 - Environnement vert, sûr et adapté aux enfants - A proximité des commerces, écoles, etc. - Accès facile aux principaux axes de circulation - Parking (pas inclus dans le prix, achat optionnel) Want to know more?

3 Bedroom(s) 146 - 155 1 Bathroom(s)