p>Villa provided with 4 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms, private swimming pool and parking space on own plot. /p>p>Montemar Villas - Villa located in Altaona Golf & Country Village on Costa Cálida (Murcia) in Spain./p>p>A villa with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, private pool and parking on its own plot./p>p>Furthermore, this villa has underfloor heating in bathrooms, pre-installation air conditioning, kitchen appliances, indoor LED lighting, etc.../p>p>Contact us for more information, availability, prices, included extra´s and plans./p> Want to know more?
House for sale - Murcia (Spain) (page 2)
Luxury Villa with 4 Bedrooms and 4 Bathrooms located in an extraordinary development nestled within the beautiful Altaona Golf Country Village in Murcia, which provides an ideal setting for experiencing the seamless fusion of luxury living and the tranquil Mediterranean lifestyle. Elevating the experience, captivating emphasis on well-being and longevity.Distributed all on one level, with light, airy rooms, where exquisite layouts and the infinite views from the balcony lure you to stay and inhabit the space with endless tranquillity. In addition, you can enjoy a healthy lifestyle, with communal sports areas, a meditation/yoga facility, shared gardens (including a herb garden) and communal relaxation areas. Green roofs support biodiversity, retain rainwater, purify the air, reduce noise and regulate temperature.The villa is built on demand and comes with a furnished kitchen with an induction hob and extractor, there is electric underfloor heating in bathrooms and living room, ducted air conditioning with a heat pump and landscaped gardens with an irrigation system and private pool.The resort is situated at just a short 15-minute drive from Murcia, within just a 20-minute drive you can enjoy Murcia's pristine beaches. Furthermore, with two international airports within an hour's drive and a university hospital just 10 minutes away. There is 24-hour security, a family-friendly environment, and various bars and restaurants.Beyond the recreational aspects, it is a haven for outdoor and healthy living, with the golf course acting as the green lungs of the community. A sports enthusiast's dream, the resort boasts paddle, tennis, and fitness facilities, aligning with our focus on Longevity and promoting a holistic, healthy lifestyle. Want to know more?
Exclusive complex of modern villas in the fantastic Altaona Golf & Country Village, which lies 15 minutes from the city of Murcia. The resort offers 24 hr security as well as a selection of daily necessities, like a supermarket, a golf proshop, and restaurants. In addition to an 18-hole golf course, there are other sports activities available, like padel and tennis courts, Spa and gym. The surrounding mountains offer a selection of hiking trails, while the flatter terrain closer to the coast is ideal for cycling. The beautiful beaches of the Costa Cálida are a short drive from the resort.The project offers the ultimate in personalisation! Choose between a variety of models with 2, 3 or 4 bedrooms, as well as plot sizes between 300m2-733m2. All the villas are on one level, and present a spacious living area, combing the lounge, dining area and fully equipped kitchen. Thanks to the large windows in the lounge, the partially covered terrace and pool area are a natural extension of the living area. The ideal place to enjoy the Mediterranean outdoor lifestyle all year ‘round. The master bedrooms have a private bathroom and a walk-in closet.The villas are built with top quality materials, and combine crisp white surfaces with natural materials creating a warmer facade. The villas include pre-installation for A/C, white goods, underfloor heating in the bathrooms, LED Lighting, laundry facilities, private pool and garden, and parking on the premises. Want to know more?
Haast u voor de grondstukken met zicht op de Golfbaan !De verbluffende villa Campo in Altaona Golf Country Village , Costa Calida een hedendaags en minimalistisch ontwerp, maar met een sterke persoonlijkheid, die grote volumes laat zien in de kamers verdeeld over dezelfde verdieping om een imposante ruimte te creëren met maximale bewoonbaarheid en toegankelijkheid.Dankzij het architecturale profiel, met eenvoudige maar expressieve lijnen, kan het dak de zonnepanelen herbergen die het huis van energie voorzien, op zoek naar een verminderde en duurzame energie-impact. Het hele dak van de Villa Campodak vormt een prachtig solarium van bijna 200 vierkante meter, van waaruit u kunt genieten van een spectaculair uitzicht op de golfbaan, de omringende bergen en het oneindige landschap op de achtergrond.achtergrond. Zonnige zonsondergangen die de horizon zal een spektakel zijn voor de spektakel voor de zintuigen van de het immense terras dat de villa.Wat het interieur van de villa betreft Campo, zijn 195 m2 zijn verdeeld over een verdieping die uitkijkt op het zwembad, op de zwembad, aan de rand van de golfbaan. De hoge plafonds creëren een verticale ruimte verticale ruimte vol licht en ruimtelijkheid, die de de bewoner ontspannende sensaties van vrijheid. van vrijheid. Het schuine plafond boven een groot raam, laat een grote lichtstraal toe... een grote lichtstraal in de kamer, die lijkt te openen de kamer, die zich lijkt te openen naar de hemel.De keuken is geïntegreerd in dezelfde gebied is ontworpen om er een ruimte van te maken die ook het ook een ruimte voor ontspanning, waar u kunt genieten van het uitzicht en ruimte voor ontspanning, waar u kunt genieten van het uitzicht en bedrijf op hetzelfde moment als de kooktaken zijn kooktaken.Vanuit het woongedeelte is het hoofdgedeelte hoofdgebouw van het huis, kunt u directe toegang tot de vier slaapkamers kamers die de die het flankeren, waardoor elk van hen... van hen is een buitenruimte om de tuin te bekijken of het uitzicht. De materialen die worden gebruikt om gebruikt om de interieurs aan te kleden weerspiegelen het licht in porseleinen stukken indrukwekkend imposante maten en die de de vloeren een continue en majestueuze aanzicht geven en oppervlak. De oneindige ramen lijken de het huis naar buiten openen, landschap en interieur komen samen in elke kamer. Kortom, een villa waarin design te zien isen de verhoudingen en ruimtes en ruimtes worden opgevat naar de maat van de de bewoners van het huis, waardoor troost een van de pijlers waarop waarop zijn hedendaagse en verfijnde hedendaagse en verfijnde esthetiek.María Torres Morenilla zegt in een van haar gedichten over de Alhambra: "Een gedicht is uw kristallen glas, een regen van uw betoverd water glimlacht van de glazen maan, een van je stilste blikken".De chillout ruimte die het belangrijkste kenmerk is van de hoofdruimte, omgeven door water dat naar beneden stort in de vorm van een waterval, is de ideale plek voor bijeenkomsten en zomervergaderingen, waar u het leven buiten op een uitzonderlijke manier kunt ervaren. Een loopbrug over de waterval leidt naar de bovenste kamers, die uitkijken over de weelderige buitenkant.Bouw en Bankgarantie en bouwtijd 11-18 maanden.Altaona Golf Country VillageDit prachtig ontworpen golfresort ligt aan de voet van het natuurreservaat Carrascoy, een vallei van unieke schoonheid in Murcia. Een bergachtig gebied vol wandelpaden door pijnbomen, waar u lange wandelingen kunt maken of kunt mountainbiken. Een van de meest kenmerkende bezienswaardigheden is het Fuensanta heiligdom dat over de stad uitkijkt. Elk jaar wordt hier een bekende bedevaartstocht gehouden.Altaona Golf Country Village ligt op een plek waar de zon het hele jaar door schijnt. De costa Calida is een regio met een warm klimaat ook in de wintermaanden en zeewater dat kalm over de stranden kabbelt, waar het helderblauwe licht van de blauwe open hemel alle hoeken bereikt en het leven van de bewoners veraangenaamt. Gelegen slechts 10 minuten rijden naar de internationale luchthaven van Murcia,Corvera, het ziekenhuis, het internationale college en het King's College. 12 minuten rijden van de mooie stad Murcia en slechts 20 minuten van de mooie kust van de Costa Calida gezelige kustdorpen en de prachtige witte stranden van de Mar Menor en de stad Cartagena. Altaona Golf Country Village heeft een perfecte ligging op ca. 12 minuten van het centrum van de City Murcia, een stad for great shopping mar bovenal met heel veel charme , geschiedenis, cultuur en onovertreffelijke gastronomie. Een zeer gezellige stad waar men buiten leeft en flaneert door de straten, over de prachtige pleinen en geniet op de vele terrasjes van een verfrissend drankje en een heerlijke tapa.De naam Altaona is afgeleid van één van de omringende bergen, de meest herkenbare en heeft de vorm van een liggende dame, vandaar de herkomst van ‘Ala Dona’ wat lange vrouw betekent. Altaona Golf and Country Village ligt aan de voet van het natuurgebied Arrascoy en de vallei welke Murcia omgeeft die tevens als groene long van de omgeving fungeert. Een berggebied vol wandelpaden tussen de dennenbomen waar u heerlijke lange wandelingen kunt maken of kunt moutainbiken. Een van de meest kenmerkende bezienswaardigheden is het heiligdom van Fuensanta met een fraai uitzicht over de stad. Elk jaar wordt hier een bekende 10 minuten rijden naar de internationale luchthaven van Murcia, het ziekenhuis, het internationale college en het King's College. 12 minuten rijden van de mooie stad Murcia en slechts 20 minuten van de witte stranden van de Mar Menor en de stad Cartagena.Altaona staat niet alleen symbool voor bouwkwaliteit en comfort in het interieur, maar ook voor locatie. Marquanthouses biedt u een levensstijl aan waar het mogelijk is om op een plek te wonen waar u alle dagelijkse benodigdheden bij de hand hebt: bezienswaardigheden, winkels, een oneindige zee om van de zon te genieten ………. kortom comfort en leefkwaliteit binnen handbereik voor alle bewoners. In het hart van Altaona Golf Country Village bevindt zich het Parador. Een traditioneel plein ,een ontmoetingsplek voor de bewoners, waar tradities en gastronomie samenkomen. De oude Mediterranse klokkentoren van de kapel torent uit boven het plaveisel en verleent het geheel zijn charme. In het Parador plein komen in de heerlijke schaduw van de grote dennenbomen op de terrasjes zowel de plaatselijke traditionele keuken als de fusion-stijl versie samen, u kunt hier tevens gezellig boodschappen doen. Hier geniet u van de zonsondergang, of ontbijt u voor een partijtje golf of neemt u heerlijk een drankje na een sportieve dag. Rond het plein vindt u ook de golf proshop, fitnessruimte en padel- en tennisbanen. Het complex heeft een wellness center voor de inwoners en een driving range om de golftechniek te oefenen. Deze interesante golfbaan is ontworpen door Stirling Martin Golf en slingert tussen de bebouwing door als een groene oase. Het is de perfecte omgeving voor een aangename golfervaring. De baan heeft maar liefst 27-Holes, par 3 en een golfacademie Want to know more?
Altaona Golf Country VillageThis beautifully designed golf resort is located at the foot of the Carrascoy Nature Reserve, a valley of unique beauty in Murcia. A mountainous area full of trails through pine trees, where you can go for long walks or mountain biking. One of the most distinctive sights is the Fuensanta sanctuary overlooking the city. A famous pilgrimage is held here every year.Altaona Golf Country Village is located in a place where the sun shines all year round. The costa Calida is a region with a warm climate even in the winter months and seawater that calmly laps the beaches, where the bright blue light of the blue open sky reaches every corner and makes life pleasant for its residents. Located just 10 minutes' drive to Murcia International Airport,Corvera, the hospital, the International College and King's College. 12 minutes' drive from the beautiful city of Murcia and only 20 minutes from the beautiful coast of the Costa Calida cosy coastal villages and the beautiful white beaches of the Mar Menor and the city of Cartagena. Altaona Golf Country Village is perfectly located about 12 minutes from the centre of the City of Murcia, a city for great shopping but above all with lots of charm, history, culture and unsurpassed gastronomy. A very pleasant city where people live outside and stroll through the streets, across the beautiful squares and enjoy a refreshing drink and a delicious tapa on the many terraces.The name Altaona is derived from one of the surrounding mountains, the most recognisable and is shaped like a reclining lady, hence the origin of 'Ala Dona' meaning tall woman. Altaona Golf and Country Village lies at the foot of the Arrascoy nature reserve and the valley that surrounds Murcia, which also acts as the green lung of the area. A mountain area full of footpaths among pine trees where you can take long walks or go mountain biking. One of the most emblematic sights is the sanctuary of Fuensanta with fine views over the city. A famous 10-minute drive to Murcia's international airport, hospital, international college and King's College is held here every year. 12 minutes' drive from the beautiful city of Murcia and just 20 minutes from the white beaches of the Mar Menor and the city of Cartagena.Altaona symbolises not only building quality and interior comfort, but also location. Marquanthouses offers you a lifestyle where it is possible to live in a place where you have all the daily necessities at hand: sights, shops, an infinite sea to enjoy the sun .......... In short, comfort and quality of life at your fingertips for all residents. At the heart of Altaona Golf Country Village is the Parador A square with restaurants,shops and sport facilities Want to know more?
Vrijstaande villa's met vier slaapkamers en drie badkamers. Een unieke kans om te genieten van de mediterrane levensstijl.Een spectaculair perceel van 500 m2, waar u de zonsondergangen van de avond kunt bewonderen. De villa heeft een open woonkamer-keuken concept en zijn uitgerust met alles wat nodig is om comfortabel te wonen:ul> li>Keuken voorzien van inbouwapparatuur./li> li>Aerothermisch systeem voor sanitair warmwater./li> li>Complete badkamers met wastafel, badkamermeubel, spiegel en douchescherm./li> li>Prive zwembad./li> li>Prive overdekte parkeerplaats./li> li>Berging./li>/ul> Buiten valt de grote privétuin met zwembad op, waar u op warme zomerdagen kunt ontspannen en afkoelen. Daarnaast beschikken de villa’s over een balkon met panoramisch uitzicht over de omgeving.Het project is gelegen in Torre Pacheco aan de Costa Cálida, een rustige en gastvrije gemeente met alle benodigde voorzieningen zoals supermarkten, apotheken, scholen, restaurants, enz.Bovendien is het goed verbonden met de internationale luchthaven van Murcia en de stranden van de Mar Menor, waar u kunt genieten van het mediterrane klimaat en het warme, kristalheldere water. Want to know more?
Located in the exclusive Roda Golf Resort, just a few minutes’ drive from Loz Alcazares on the Costa Cálida. The resort offers a variety of amenities, like a supermarket, bars and restaurants, and a club house. Besides golf, other sports activities available include tennis and paddle, while water sports activities are available on the beaches of the Mar Menor, only 10 minutes by car from the resort. The town of Los Alcazares offers a wider variety of daily services and is well connected to the international airports in Murcia and Alicante with the AP7 motorway.Exclusive two-storey villa, with 4 bedrooms and 3 bedrooms, located on a 300m2 plot on the golf course. The spacious ground floor combines the lounge, dining area and fully equipped kitchen, and extends out to the large terrace and pool area. There are 2 double bedrooms and a bathroom on this floor as well. The first floor includes a double bedroom and bathroom, as well as the master bedroom with private bathroom and terrace. A 22m2 sun terrace can be accessed from the first-floor landing, which overlooks the golf course.The villa has been built with quality materials, and includes pre-installed ducted A/C, white goods, fitted wardrobes, interior LED lighting, video-intercom, garden, private pool with outdoor shower, and off-road parking. Want to know more?
The villas in Las Vistas Altaona offer an attractive design, energy efficiency, optimum privacy, respect for the natural environment and a logical and pleasant layout with large rooms. Las Vistas Altaona offers more than just a home, it offers a healthy way of living through its communal areas where you can unwind, relax and practise an active lifestyle. This is done by offering a communal outdoor sports area, a meditation/yoga area, a shared herb garden and communal relax areas. As an owner of a property in las Vistas Altaona, you can enjoy all these facilities whenever you want and without worries, since they are maintained by the community. Theses villas have been designed to ensure a natural way of living. They are surrounded by large green zones and give you direct access to the mountain trails behind. The beauty of the surrounding nature can be peacefully enjoyed from the spacious, sunny, south facing garden and terraces with endless views over the golf resort, lakes and distant countryside. Villas Spirit and Balance have been created for you to unwind, relax, recharge, and connect with nature. Due to the L-shaped size, the home offers not just a practical distribution but also maximum privacy towards your neighbours. In addition, all rooms and areas have been carefully designed to ensure maximum comfort and a logical flow. Thanks to the large glass windows, the views can also be enjoyed throughout the property. In addition, the landscaped garden can be accessed from various rooms. Living here really creates an open, fresh, and energetic environment, guaranteed to lift your spirit. The Harmony and Energy villas are situated on the highest position of the development, alongside the large green zones and they provide direct access to the mountain trails behind. These U-shaped villas create a united home, embracing the plot and allowing full potential of space. The Energy villas provide an option for an added 1st floor amplifying your space by +/- 125 m2. This optional 1st floor provides 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a billiard room or second living room, ample wardrobe space and 2 large terraces. Through the big windows in the ample second living room/ billiard room, you can enjoy stunning views over the whole area, to the front and to the back. Standing in your garden gives you a mountain-top sensation, while your villa still provides complete privacy. The homes have been built with nature in mind. The partial natural stone walls give it a distinctive and warm character and help them blend in with the mountainous area behind. Even the roofs have been designed in such a way that no matter where you're looking from, the development looks green. Indigenous plants are placed on the roofs to provide endless greenery. Furthermore, these plants will not only provide a pleasant aroma, they also act as natural repellents to pests such as wasps and mosquitos ensuring maximum comfort. Classified as one of the best property locations in the region of Murcia, a location that provides everything you could dream of, whether for permanent residency or a holiday home. Such a beautiful location deserves a distinctive, well-crafted project of independent, low-rise villas. Therefore, Las Vistas Altaona offers more: a place where you can relax and recharge, enjoy outdoor Yoga and Meditation classes, sport facilities and open-air training areas. And if this were still not enough, las Vistas Altaona will be complemented with the ancient design techniques of Feng Shui. This guarantees that your life in this small-scale community is amidst positive energy. An additional advantage of living in Las Vistas Altaona is that it is situated in the middle of nature while having access to the many services that are part of the surrounding resort. These include tennis and paddle courts, a golf course, a shopping centre, as well as cleaning and security services. Las Vistas Altaona is situated on a generous plot of 47.000 m2, located directly at the foothills of the "Sierra Altaona", a protected nature reserve. With stunning views over the Altaona golf course, you benefit with direct access to the mountainous area behind that is highly suitable for mountain biking, hiking and other outdoor activities. The bustling city centre of Murcia is just about 15 minutes' drive away and 10 minutes to Murcia Airport. Want to know more?
Feng Shui Luxe Villa te koop met zwembad in nieuw groen golfresort dorp in de regio Murcia- Costa Calida-nbsp;new concept Sismo - Sierra Alaona Deze villa’s zijn ontworpen om op een natuurlijke manier het leven te garanderen. Ze zijn omgeven door grote groene zones en geven u directe toegang tot de achterliggende bergpaden. Vanuit de ruime, zonnige, op het zuiden gelegen tui en terrassen met eindeloos uitzicht over de golfbaan kunt u in alle rust genieten van de schoonheid van de omringede natuur resort, meren en verre platteland. Dankzij de grote glazen ramen kan men ook genieten van het uitzicht van het hele pand. Daarnaast is de aangelegde tuin vanuit verschillende vertrekken te betreden. Door hier te wonen ontstaat er echt een open, frisse energieke omgeving waar je gegarandeerd vrolijk van wordt. Als u in de tuin staat, heeft u een gevoel van een bergtop, terwijl uw villa toch volledige privacy biedt. De woningen zijn gebouwd met de natuur in het achterhoofd. De gedeeltelijke natuurstenen muren geven het een onderscheidend en warm karakter en helpen ze op te gaan in het achterliggende bergachtig gebied. Zelfs de daken zijn zo ontworpen dat het niet uitmaakt waar je kijkt, de ontwikkeling oogt groen. Op de daken worden inheemse planten geplaatst voor eindeloos groen. Bovendien zorgen deze planten niet alleen voor een aangename aroma, ze werken ook als natuurlijke afweermiddelen tegen ongedierte zoals wespen en muggen die zorgen voor een maximaal comfort. Een ander onderscheidend element met deze woningen is het efficiënt gebruik van de beschikbare ruimte naar Noord Europese maatstaven. Dit resulteert in grote kamers en veel kastruimte. Daarnaast garandeer het unieke, innovatieve bouw systeem SISMO dat uw pand een zeer grote energie-efficiëntie heeft en een hoge akoestiek en thermische isolatie.(koude en warmte) Bovendien elimineert het andere problemen die gepaard gaan met de traditionele bouwmethodes, zoals scheuren en vochtproblemen. Door de L-vormige afmeting biedt de woning niet alleen een praktische indeling maar ook ontworpen om maximaal comfort en een logische stroom te garanderen. Een huis dat gewoon logisch is en de perfecte plek biet om natuurlijk te wonen. De villa is gemaakt om tot rust te komen, te ontspannen, op te laden en contact te maken met de natuur. nbsp;Het onderhoud van het zwembad en van zowel de gemeenschappelijke als de privé-tuinen zal worden uitgevoerd binnen de gemeenschapskosten van de eigenaren met het idee om alle tuinen altijd in perfecte staat te hebben Voor de irrigatie zal gebruik worden gemaakt van het regenwater dat op de daken van de huizen wordt opgevangen, waarbij het opgevangen water naar een gemeenschappelijke tank wordt geleid van waaruit een gecentraliseerd druppelirrigatiesysteem wordt aangelegd. Het project heeft ruime gemeenschappelijke zones met veel groen, paden en ontspanningszones.Enkele voorbeelden van optionele functies die klanten kunnen kiezen zijn hieronder opgesomd: ➢ Zonnepanelen ➢ Witgoed keuken ➢ Gasinstallatie ➢ Elektrisch oplaadpunt voor auto's ➢ Open haard ➢ Lift (voor villa's met 2 verdiepingen) ➢ Extra bergruimte in hal Want to know more?
In Altaona zijn de huizen geïnspireerd op het omringende landschap en gaan ze op in de natuur dankzij de terrassen en grote ramen. Water en licht, elementen die essentieel zijn voor alle leven, vloeien door deze woningen. De huizen en hunnbsp;bewoners zijn altijd één. Er bestaan meerdere manieren om te genieten. Daaromnbsp;biedt Altaona 4 verschillende typen villa’s, die volledignbsp;voldoen aan de diverse behoeften van de bewoners. Heerlijk lichte vertrekken met een uitmuntende indelingnbsp;en een oneindig uitzicht vanaf het balkon dat uitnodigtnbsp;om nog even te blijven en dat de ruimte voorziet vaneen eindeloze rust. EEN PLEKnbsp;WAARIN ALLESnbsp;STROOMTnbsp; OVERSPOELD DOOR RUST Villa Aquanbsp; De ruimte om te ontspannen dienbsp;de boventoon voert op de beganenbsp;grond, omringd door water dat alsnbsp;een waterval naar beneden stortnbsp;is de ideale omgeving voor langenbsp;gesprekken en bijeenkomsten opnbsp;zomeravonden, waar u het buitenleven op uitzonderlijke wijze voelt. Denbsp;passerelle hierboven biedt toegangnbsp;tot de slaapkamers op de eerstenbsp;verdieping, deze kijken op overvloedige wijze uit over het terras Want to know more?
Fantastic villas with a green open viewWelcome to this handsome villa project located in the beautiful region of Murcia! Here, right next to a fantastic golf and nature estate, you will find your dream villa with phenomenal views over the nature and greenery of the golf course.The villas are designed with your comfort in mind and offer 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms on plots from 452 m². Other sizes are also possible.These homes are equipped with kitchen appliances, a solarium as large as 137 sqm, a garden with beautiful plantings and even an alarm system for your safety. And as icing on the cake, we are just minutes away from a brand new commercial center, where you can enjoy numerous stores, restaurants and other forms of entertainment.On top of all this, this is also very well located when it comes to accessibility. The airport is not far, cozy village centers are nearby. This makes it very easy to travel both inside and outside this beautiful region.Come and discover this unique new construction project today and experience the highlights of living in a beautiful natural setting. We can't wait to welcome you!804-fantastic-villas-with-a-green-open-view Want to know more?
Handsome villas on a fantastic domainWould you like to enjoy a fantastic vacation or live permanently in a beautiful environment? Then this is the dream villa project for you and your family. The property has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and offers you comfort, privacy and countless opportunities to relax.This beautiful villa is located in the heart of a golf and nature estate that will soon be completely renovated. The views of green nature and tranquility will make you feel right at home. It is available in different sizes and on different plot sizes starting from 301 sqm.The houses are designed to enjoy the great weather of Spain. The private 16.25 m² pool allows you to enjoy a refreshing dip every day. While you relax in the pool, you can enjoy the sun on your terrace. There is also an outdoor shower. The outdoor kitchen on the terrace is ideal for barbecuing and socializing with friends and family.Not tired of the sun? On the roof there is a handsome solarium of no less than 128 m² with connections for water and electricity.The large windows provide plenty of natural light and a beautiful view of the surrounding greenery. The kitchen comes fully equipped. They are also delivered with interior and exterior lighting, creating a cozy and warm atmosphere.Your car can be parked on your own private parking space. The villa will be completed in February 2024 and has just been launched. You want to make your dream come true? Contact us without obligation for more information!802-handsome-villas-on-a-fantastic-domain Want to know more?
Fantastic single-storey villas in Altaona resortThese amazing villas are being built at the popular 'Altaona Golf Country Village' resort in Murcia. The resort is very well located both for permanent residence and holiday accommodation. On the estate itself, which is set against the 'Sierra Altaona' natural park and covers a whopping 3.6 million m², there are all kinds of facilities: a shopping centre, tennis, padel and basketball courts and, of course, the golf course itself. Murcia's lively city centre is just 15 minutes from 'Altaona Golf Country Village'. The estate is fully gated and also enjoys 24h 7/7 security. It is perfectly maintained by several maintenance companies.Within this project, there are a total of no less than 8 different models to choose from. These models can be built on a plot of your choice, the plots range from 299 to 610 m². All homes will be equipped with as standard: a beautiful swimming pool in a fully landscaped garden, LED lighting, kitchen appliances, underfloor heating in the bathrooms, a guest toilet and a separate laundry room. There is always space for your car on the plot itself.This villa has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms and is built on a plot of 330 m². The houses are finished to the last detail with quality materials. A feast for the eyes.896-fantastic-single-storey-villas-in-altaona-resort Want to know more?
Detached luxury villas with private poolIn a quiet suburb of Murcia, these handsome villas will soon rise on plots from 300 m². There is a choice of 3 or 4 bedrooms and 2 or 3 bathrooms. The private pool is included in the price and measures 3 by 7 metres.Due to the tactical layout, all plots enjoy an enormous amount of privacy. The houses are custom-built. There is a huge choice of finishes and colours in floors, kitchen, bathrooms, switches, ... Unleash the interior designer in you!The houses are equipped with all kitchen appliances, LED lighting throughout the house. Small children visiting, or a faithful four-legged friend? The plot will be securely fenced as standard, so you can fully relax with peace of mind.The location has something for everyone: several golf courses, nature reserves, charming villages, ... are nearby. Moreover, the vibrant centre of Murcia is just 10 km away. The Ribera Hospital in Molina de Segura is less than 4 km away. More information about this villa project? Give us a call!893-detached-luxury-villas-with-private-pool Want to know more?
Trendy villas at Murcia Golf Country ClubThese fantastic modern villas are being built on the popular 'Altaona Golf Country Village' resort in Murcia. The resort is very well located for permanent residence as well as for a holiday home. On the domain itself, which is located against the 'Sierra Altaona' nature park and is no less than 3.6 million m², there are all kinds of facilities such as a shopping center, tennis, paddle and basketball courts and of course the golf course. Murcia's lively city center is just 15 minutes from 'Altaona Golf Country Village'. The fully enclosed domain also benefits from 24h 7/7 security and is perfectly maintained by various maintenance companies.This model, built on a plot of 591m², has four very spacious bedrooms (master of 27.8m²), three bathrooms, a separate guest toilet and a storage room. The living room of this villa is no less than 53.6 m².In the garden is the 8x4m swimming pool and at the back you have the possibility to park several cars under the 42.5m² private carport.The villas are characterized by the fantastic price-quality ratio in a beautiful resort on the Costa Cálida in Murcia! We have several other models available at this resort.700-trendy-villas-at-murcia-golf-country-club Want to know more?
Spacious villa on a Golf Country club in MurciaThese fantastic modern villas are being built on the popular 'Altaona Golf Country Village' resort in Murcia. The resort is very well located for permanent residence as well as for a holiday home. On the domain itself, which is located against the 'Sierra Altaona' nature park and is no less than 3.6 million m², there are all kinds of facilities such as a shopping center, tennis, paddle and basketball courts and of course the golf course. Murcia's lively city center is just 15 minutes from 'Altaona Golf Country Village'. The fully enclosed domain also benefits from 24h 7/7 security and is perfectly maintained by various maintenance companies.This model, built on a plot of 455m², has four very spacious bedrooms (master of 22.5m²), two bathrooms, a separate guest toilet and a storage room. The living room of this villa is no less than 62m².In the garden is the 8x4m swimming pool and at the back you have the possibility to park several cars under the 50m² private carport.The villas are characterized by the fantastic price-quality ratio in a beautiful resort on the Costa Cálida in Murcia! We have several other models available at this resort.695-spacious-villa-on-a-golf-country-club-in-murcia Want to know more?
Development of detached villas in the exclusive Condado de Alhama Golf Resort, just 15 minutes’ drive from the beaches of Mazarrón, on the Costa Cálida. The resort offers a commercial centre for all the daily necessities, bars/restaurants, sports centre as well as an 18-hole champion golf course. The main cities of Murcia, Cartagena, and Alicante are well connected by road, and the complex is 30 minutes’ drive from the Murcia International airport. Modern villas on one level plus private solarium, with a choice of 2, 3 or 4 bedrooms. All villas include an open plan living area, combining the lounge, dining area and modern kitchen. The windows in the lounge open onto a large terrace, with spectacular views of the surrounding golf course. The large gardens range in sizes from 104m2-286m2. The villas include pre-installed ducted AC, fitted wardrobes, alarm system, private garden, video intercom, motorised gate and parking on the plot. The villas offer a selection of customisation options from private pool, lighting, furniture, or underfloor heating in the bathrooms. Want to know more?
There is always more than one way to find pleasure. That's why Altaona offers 4 different homes, able to fully satisfy the needs of their inhabitants. Villa Horizon is an outward-facing family home, where the boundaries between inside and out seem to disappear on all sides. Designed for harmonious living where each space is made to enjoy. Horizon has an overlook-style structure that rises above the pool and faces the golf courses. Its interiors make resting the most precious moment of the day. Its upper terrace, flanked by bamboo, is an ideal place to lie in the shade and gives privacy to the bathing area, which is surrounded by the leafy garden. Villa Campo is a contemporary, minimalist design with a strong personality. Spacious rooms lay out on a single floor to create an imposing space extending the utmost inhabitability and accessibility. An open plan kitchen makes this a comfortable space where you can enjoy the views and socialize with your friends and family while you are cooking. From the living room, the central area of the house, gives direct access to the four bedrooms, each of which has windows through which to admire the garden or views. The entire roof of Villa Campo is a magnificent solarium with spectacular views of the golf course, surrounding mountains and the countryside that disappears into the distance. Villa Aqua has a superb design, where water envelops every moment and memory created within. The chill out area dominates the main space, surrounded by a waterfall. It's the ideal place for summer get together and chats, where you can live the outdoor life in luxury. A walkway leads to the upstairs rooms which overlook the lush surroundings. Majestic and sublime, the Olimpo Villa boasts interior and exterior spaces that intermingle spontaneously to create a unique atmosphere. The most imposing villa in Altaona has an innovative two-storey design that creates areas of light and shade, allowing you to enjoy the gardens even during the height of summer. The terraces enhanced by the sound of a trickling fountain seduce you to spend your time outside. Facing the golf course, Olimpo villas are full of light, making each room an infinite space for drifting away. The low-density population at Altaona Golf Country Village is a major attraction, as is the opportunity to live in a community where access is controlled for your safety and convenience, all day, every day. In the heart of Altaona you will find the Parador, a traditional square that becomes a meeting point for the neighbourhood, where you will find all the services of the complex: Restaurants, bars, supermarket, gym and Spa, very close by we also have 2 tennis courts and 1 paddle tennis court. The Altaona golf course has 18 holes designed by Stirling Martin golf architects. Altaona was chosen for its perfect location just over 12 minutes from the centre of the charming city of Murcia and 10 minutes from Murcia International Airport. Alicante Airport is only 55 minutes away from where you can reach most of the major European destinations. Want to know more?
There is always more than one way to find pleasure. That's why Altaona offers 4 different homes, able to fully satisfy the needs of their inhabitants. Villa Horizon is an outward-facing family home, where the boundaries between inside and out seem to disappear on all sides. Designed for harmonious living where each space is made to enjoy. Horizon has an overlook-style structure that rises above the pool and faces the golf courses. Its interiors make resting the most precious moment of the day. Its upper terrace, flanked by bamboo, is an ideal place to lie in the shade and gives privacy to the bathing area, which is surrounded by the leafy garden. Villa Campo is a contemporary, minimalist design with a strong personality. Spacious rooms lay out on a single floor to create an imposing space extending the utmost inhabitability and accessibility. An open plan kitchen makes this a comfortable space where you can enjoy the views and socialize with your friends and family while you are cooking. From the living room, the central area of the house, gives direct access to the four bedrooms, each of which has windows through which to admire the garden or views. The entire roof of Villa Campo is a magnificent solarium with spectacular views of the golf course, surrounding mountains and the countryside that disappears into the distance. Villa Aqua has a superb design, where water envelops every moment and memory created within. The chill out area dominates the main space, surrounded by a waterfall. It's the ideal place for summer get together and chats, where you can live the outdoor life in luxury. A walkway leads to the upstairs rooms which overlook the lush surroundings. Majestic and sublime, the Olimpo Villa boasts interior and exterior spaces that intermingle spontaneously to create a unique atmosphere. The most imposing villa in Altaona has an innovative two-storey design that creates areas of light and shade, allowing you to enjoy the gardens even during the height of summer. The terraces enhanced by the sound of a trickling fountain seduce you to spend your time outside. Facing the golf course, Olimpo villas are full of light, making each room an infinite space for drifting away. The low-density population at Altaona Golf Country Village is a major attraction, as is the opportunity to live in a community where access is controlled for your safety and convenience, all day, every day. In the heart of Altaona you will find the Parador, a traditional square that becomes a meeting point for the neighbourhood, where you will find all the services of the complex: Restaurants, bars, supermarket, gym and Spa, very close by we also have 2 tennis courts and 1 paddle tennis court. The Altaona golf course has 18 holes designed by Stirling Martin golf architects. Altaona was chosen for its perfect location just over 12 minutes from the centre of the charming city of Murcia and 10 minutes from Murcia International Airport. Alicante Airport is only 55 minutes away from where you can reach most of the major European destinations. Want to know more?
Two and three-bedroomed villas with private pool in Murcia Montemar is an exclusive residential located in Altaona Golf just 15 minutes by car from the centre of Murcia capital. The new 'Montemar One Level' promotion has several types of villas, with options of two and three bedrooms on the ground floor, two bathrooms and a private pool with multiple options. Only 15 minutes by car from the centre of Murcia capital, you can enjoy the tranquillity and security offered by the golf course that has 18 holes and the comfort of living close to all services. In this resort you will enjoy the peaceful tranquility of the area with a stunning environment around you. With everything you need within reach, we achieve quality of life, fresh air and open spaces. Just 15 minutes away you can enjoy a swim in the Mar Menor or 20 minutes where you will be in at the Mediterranean beach in San Pedro del Pinatar. Montemar is located just 15 minutes from Murcia airport, one hour from Alicante airport, 20 minutes from Cartagena, 15 minutes from Murcia, 10 minutes from the Arrixaca hospital. The development is also only 10 minutes from international schools such as El Limonar International School and Kings Collage and just 20 minutes from the beach. Want to know more?