Businesses to rent - Jandrain-Jandrenouille

1 results (1 - 1)
350 €

1350 Jandrain-Jandrenouille

SituĂ© Ă  mi-chemin entre EghezĂ©e et Hannut, espace de stockage d'environ 55 m² avec espace wc et Ă©vier. Accès privatif par une double porte (1m 90 de large et 2m 10 de haut ) avec volet Ă©lectrique Ă  l'entrĂ©e. Châssis double vitrage pvc, clim rĂ©versible. A visiter sans tarder! Loyer de 350EUR/mois. Charges communes Ă  prĂ©voir: Chauffage et eau. ElectricitĂ© -> compteur privatif. Libre tout de suite. 2 mois de garantie locative (700€). Location sous rĂ©serve d'accord du propriĂ©taire. Envie de visiter, contactez-nous: ### email: ### ***** Pour recevoir d'autres opportunitĂ©s en exclusivitĂ©, nous vous invitons Ă  nous contacter directement. Nous sommes disponibles pour vous accompagner dans votre recherche d'achat ou d'investissement ainsi que dans votre projet de vente. Pour toute demande d'Ă©valuation GRATUITE et SANS ENGAGEMENT, contactez votre expert au ### ***** Want to know more?

1 Parking place(s)

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Below you can find some more interesting places in the surroundings of Jandrain-Jandrenouille (1350).

Commerce building for rent Jauche (VBC08472)
1 250 €

1350 Jauche

Superbe surface commerciale hyper visible de 75 m² avec deux accès indĂ©pendants, espace cuisine + remise ou bureau, 2 WC (homme & femme). Cave de stockage si besoin. Si vous souhaitez reprendre la friterie c'est possible car le matĂ©riel est Ă  vendre si pas c'est possible aussi. Au niveau technique: Chauffage central gaz, DV PVC, tout Ă  l'Ă©gout. Superbe visibilitĂ© Ă  proximitĂ© d'un grand parking gratuit et de plusieurs commerces. Aucune charge commune. Surface commerciale Ă  venir visiter sans tarder ! Location sous rĂ©serve d'accord du propriĂ©taire. Envie de visiter, contactez-nous: ### email: ### ***** Pour recevoir d'autres opportunitĂ©s en exclusivitĂ©, nous vous invitons Ă  nous contacter directement. Nous sommes disponibles pour vous accompagner dans votre recherche d'achat ou d'investissement ainsi que dans votre projet de vente. Pour toute demande d'Ă©valuation GRATUITE et SANS ENGAGEMENT, contactez votre expert au ### ***** Want to know more?

80 m²
+32 19 86 06 06
Commerce building for rent Orp-le-Grand (VWD12055)
1 800 €

1350 Orp-le-Grand

Bonjour, Nous mettons en location notre commerce de produits bios situĂ© sur notre ferme. Bâtiment très rĂ©cent, clientèle dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©sente et constante. Le loyer mentionnĂ© est pour le magasin avec tous ces Ă©quipements (Ă©tagère, balance, comptoir frigo,....) A voir et Ă  visiter. Want to know more?

7 Parking place(s)
+32 470 56 09 45
Industrial building for rent Hannut (VBB82950)
5 500 €

4280 Hannut

UNIQUE !!! Hannut - Proche E40 - Grand Atelier agrĂ©Ă© AFSCA AgrĂ©Ă© totalisant +-425 m² au rez-de-chaussĂ©e | Espace directement exploitable | IdĂ©al pour tous types de sociĂ©tĂ© de production alimentaire ou proche de ce secteur | Espace atelier de production avec deux petites portes sectionnelles de livraison - bureaux, accueil, stock, espace plonge, plusieurs chambres froides positives et nĂ©gatives, zone de dĂ©coupe, cuisson, sĂ©chage,... | La reprise du matĂ©riel de production alimentaire est Ă  discuter avec le propriĂ©taire : cuiseur Ă  pâte, cuiseurs, four, machine Ă  glace, conditionneuse, Ă©tiqueteuse, hachoir,... | PossibilitĂ© de Parking devant le bâtiment | Bâtiment assez discret | Contactez notre Ă©quipe Corporate au ### Want to know more?

1200 m²
+32 10 23 87 07
310 €

4280 Hannut

LOUÉ...LOUÉ...LOUÉ... SituĂ© Ă  proximitĂ© directe du centre-ville de Hannut, cet agrĂ©able espace bureau d'environ 30 m² vous offre la possibilitĂ© d'y exploiter l'activitĂ© de vos rĂŞves en toute tranquillitĂ© (petit bureau). Endroit idĂ©al pour dĂ©marrer son activitĂ© professionnelle/indĂ©pendante (profession libĂ©rale). BĂ©nĂ©ficiant d'une situation stratĂ©gique, il se compose d'une lumineuse pièce principale de 19 m², d'une seconde pièce de 7.5 m², toilette sĂ©parĂ©e et d'un corridor d'entrĂ©e indĂ©pendant. Accès privatif au bureau. Chauffage au gaz de ville (chaudière commune), châssis double vitrage bois, clim rĂ©versible. La pièce principale est Ă©quipĂ©e d'un point d'eau. LuminositĂ© au rendez-vous. A visiter sans tarder! Loyer de 310EUR/mois. Charges: provision de 100EUR/mois pour le chauffage, l'eau et l'Ă©lectricitĂ© (compteurs communs avec la maison principale attenante). Libre tout de suite. 2 mois de garantie locative (620€). Location sous rĂ©serve d'accord du propriĂ©taire. ***** Pour recevoir d'autres opportunitĂ©s en exclusivitĂ©, nous vous invitons Ă  nous contacter directement. Nous sommes disponibles pour vous accompagner dans votre recherche d'achat ou d'investissement ainsi que dans votre projet de vente. Pour toute demande d'Ă©valuation GRATUITE et SANS ENGAGEMENT, contactez votre expert au ### ***** Want to know more?

30 m²
+32 19 86 06 06
1 650 €

1357 Hélécine

Very well located sustainable SME unit of 120 m² for rent with direct access from the E40 exit 26 and connection to the N29 (Tienen-Jodogne-Charleroi) at 5 km. The warehouse with a clear height of +/- 6 m is equipped with a sectional door (4 m x 4.5 m), separate entrance door, skylight with smoke hatch, LED lighting and poly concrete floor (2.5 t/m²). Also presence of 2 private parking spaces. The unit is part of the brand new "HĂ©lĂ©cine" business park consisting of 30 high-quality SME units. The industrial buildings are suitable for production, storage, services, crafts or small industry and therefore offer an ideal environment for doing business. Ample parking and manoeuvring space on site. Available at the end of 2023. Contact PANORAMA for additional information, plans or a no-obligation site visit ### Want to know more?

282 m² 2 Parking place(s) 282 m² Buildable surface
+32 16 65 05 00

Located near the center of Jodoigne, above the Brico store, is this 29 m² office. The workspace is within a large office area of ​​622m². The entire surface is made up of 9 independent offices, 4 of which are still available, including the one we present here. The common area consists of a large open-space with terrace, a kitchen with dining room, a reception area for customers, a shower and separate WC. The office has access for PRMs. The building is located near major roads and has plenty of parking spaces. The charges are 7 € / m² monthly (fixed price) and include water, the internent, ventilation (hot and cold) the common areas and the cleaning of the common areas. The property tax is the responsibility of the lessee. It is estimated here at 1 month's rent, i.e. 550 € Secure access and beautiful exposure to the street. Do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a visit! Want to know more?

29 m² 10 Parking place(s)
+32 2 793 03 83
500 €

1370 Jodoigne

This 27m² office is located near the center of Jodoigne, above the Brico store. The workspace is within a large office area of ​​622m². The entire surface is made up of 8 independent offices, 4 of which are still available, including the one we present here. The common area consists of a large open-space with terrace, a kitchen with dining room, a reception area for customers, a shower and separate WC. The office has access for PRMs. The building is located near major roads and has plenty of parking spaces. The charges are 7€ / m² monthly (fixed price) and include water, the internent, ventilation (hot and cold) the common areas and the cleaning of the common areas. The property tax is the responsibility of the lessee. It is estimated here at 1 month's rent, i.e. 500 € Secure access and beautiful exposure to the street. Do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a visit! Want to know more?

30 m² 10 Parking place(s)
+32 2 793 03 83
495 €

1370 Jodoigne

Located in a small SME center near the center of Jodoigne, new 53m² industrial building, 1st occupation, it benefits from easy access and outdoor parking spaces. It has a 3.5 m x 3.5 m sectional door and an interior height of +/- 5m. The floor is smoothed quartz-insulated concrete, and the walls are insulated. Rent €525 + VAT. Available July 1, 2024 or immediately subject to conditions Want to know more?

1 Parking place(s)
+32 10 87 20 87
3 250 €

1370 Jodoigne

Ideally located on a main thoroughfare in the center of Jodoigne, with easy parking nearby, this pleasant commercial space in a character building offers a total usable area of 650m² and a street frontage of 20m² with shop windows. This space comprises a main sales area of 420m², various storerooms, men's and women's washrooms, kitchen, office, boiler room, courtyard... Separate access via a side passageway to the storerooms and technical rooms. Floor to be refurbished (currently 3 rooms) for a total of +/- 60m². Currently equipped with fire-fighting equipment, video surveillance, alarm, etc. Must be visited without delay. Want to know more?

789 m²
+32 10 87 20 87
Industrial building for rent Hélécine (RWC36164)
1 600 €

1357 Hélécine

NOUVELLE surface d'entrepĂ´t totalisant 240m² d'espace de stockage et d'atelier, idĂ©alement situĂ©e Ă  HĂ©lĂ©cine le long de l'autoroute E40 Ă  moins de 30 minutes de Bruxelles. L'unitĂ© offre un espace attrayant de 12m x 20m avec une hauteur libre de 6,5m. Convient Ă  une utilisation industrielle et artisanale B2B, au stockage, aux salles d'exposition et aux bureaux. Bâtiment durable. 2 places de parking extĂ©rieures privĂ©es, porte sectionnelle de 4x4,5m, exutoire de fumĂ©e transparent, dalle en bĂ©ton poli d'une rĂ©sistance de 2,5T/m², possibilitĂ© d'installer des panneaux photovoltaĂŻques sur le toit. Alimentation Ă©lectrique 40 A triphasĂ© 400 V + N. RĂ©servoir d'eau de pluie de 5 000 litres. Système de lutte contre l'incendie standard. CASCO Ă  louer. Espace intĂ©rieur Ă  amĂ©nager selon vos besoins (sanitaires, kitchenette, bureaux, mezzanine, etc.). DISPONIBLE IMMÉDIATEMENT ! PossibilitĂ© supplĂ©mentaire de louer l'entrepĂ´t Ă  cĂ´tĂ© et adjacent au numĂ©ro 11 (240 m², 1450€/mois) pour un prix total avantageux de 2950€/mois. Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations ou pour une visite. ### ou ### Want to know more?

+32 479 70 31 94
400 €

1370 Jodoigne

Visites au ### Vous ĂŞtes kinĂ©, coach, thĂ©rapeute, manucure, podologue, styliste,....; vous cherchez un endroit de stockage ou 1 espace de rangement tous types, contactez-nous rapidement et ne manquez pas cette belle opportunitĂ© en plein coeur de Jodoigne, sur la Grand Place. SituĂ© dans un petit immeuble de ville, au rdc, ce charmant petit bureau vous propose un espace idĂ©al pour l'exercice de votre profession. Il dispose d'1 wc commun et d'1 kitchenette commune aux 3 bureaux du rdc, parquet au sol et peinture aux murs. UNE VISITE S'IMPOSE!!! Want to know more?

+32 67 47 05 77
Industrial building for rent Neerheylissem (RWC36168)
1 450 €

1357 Neerheylissem

NOUVELLE surface d'entrepĂ´t totalisant 240m² d'espace de stockage et d'atelier, idĂ©alement situĂ©e Ă  HĂ©lĂ©cine le long de l'autoroute E40 Ă  moins de 30 minutes de Bruxelles. L'unitĂ© offre un espace attrayant de 12m x 20m avec une hauteur libre de 6,5m. Convient Ă  une utilisation industrielle et artisanale B2B, au stockage, aux salles d'exposition et aux bureaux. Bâtiment durable. 2 places de parking extĂ©rieures privĂ©es, porte sectionnelle de 4x4,5m, exutoire de fumĂ©e transparent, dalle en bĂ©ton poli d'une rĂ©sistance de 2,5T/m², possibilitĂ© d'installer des panneaux photovoltaĂŻques sur le toit. Alimentation Ă©lectrique 40 A triphasĂ© 400 V + N. RĂ©servoir d'eau de pluie de 5 000 litres. Système de lutte contre l'incendie standard. CASCO Ă  louer. Espace intĂ©rieur Ă  amĂ©nager selon vos besoins (sanitaires, kitchenette, bureaux, mezzanine, etc.). DISPONIBLE IMMÉDIATEMENT ! PossibilitĂ© supplĂ©mentaire de louer l'entrepĂ´t Ă  cĂ´tĂ© et adjacent au numĂ©ro 13 (282m², 1600€/mois) pour un prix total avantageux de 2950€/mois. Contactez-nous pour plus d'informations ou pour une visite. ### ou ### Want to know more?

+32 479 70 31 94
Commerce building for rent Jodoigne (VBC37588)
700 €

1370 Jodoigne

Ideally located in the heart of Jodoigne, beautiful first floor commercial space of +/- 60m², offering good visibility. It comprises a store area, an office and a back room Want to know more?

1 Parking place(s)
+32 10 87 20 87
Commerce building for rent Jodoigne (VBC33065)
950 €

1370 Jodoigne

Very attractive commercial space of +/- 180m² on two floors (2x 90m²), ideally located in a small industrial zone not far from the center of Jodoigne. The modular surface area offers a wide range of operating possibilities. A great opportunity to develop a commercial, office or restaurant project with an industrial look... Available on April 1. Visits and information by appointment. Want to know more?

85 m²
+32 10 87 20 87
Office space for rent Jodoigne (VBC33064)
950 €

1370 Jodoigne

Very attractive commercial space of +/- 180m² on two floors (2x 90m²), ideally located in a small industrial zone not far from the center of Jodoigne. The modular surface area offers a wide range of operating possibilities. A great opportunity to develop a commercial, office or restaurant project with an industrial look... Available on April 1. Visits and information by appointment. Want to know more?

85 m²
+32 10 87 20 87
Commerce building for rent Jodoigne (VBC33063)
950 €

1370 Jodoigne

Very attractive commercial space of +/- 180m² on two floors (2x 90m²), ideally located in a small industrial zone not far from the center of Jodoigne. The modular surface area offers a wide range of operating possibilities. A great opportunity to develop a commercial, office or restaurant project with an industrial look... Available on April 1. Visits and information by appointment. Want to know more?

91 m²
+32 10 87 20 87
Office space for rent Jodoigne (VBC33062)
950 €

1370 Jodoigne

Very attractive commercial space of +/- 180m² on two floors (2x 90m²), ideally located in a small industrial zone not far from the center of Jodoigne. The modular surface area offers a wide range of operating possibilities. A great opportunity to develop a commercial, office or restaurant project with an industrial look... Available on April 1. Visits and information by appointment. Want to know more?

91 m²
+32 10 87 20 87
Industrial building for rent Jodoigne (VBC33061)
950 €

1370 Jodoigne

Very attractive commercial space of +/- 180m² on two floors (2x 90m²), ideally located in a small industrial zone not far from the center of Jodoigne. The modular surface area offers a wide range of operating possibilities. A great opportunity to develop a commercial, office or restaurant project with an industrial look... Available on April 1. Visits and information by appointment. Want to know more?

85 m²
+32 10 87 20 87
Industrial building for rent Jodoigne (VBC33060)
950 €

1370 Jodoigne

Very attractive commercial space of +/- 180m² on two floors (2x 90m²), ideally located in a small industrial zone not far from the center of Jodoigne. The modular surface area offers a wide range of operating possibilities. A great opportunity to develop a commercial, office or restaurant project with an industrial look... Available on April 1. Visits and information by appointment. Want to know more?

91 m²
+32 10 87 20 87