Financial aid for tenants in Belgium: A regional breakdown

In these challenging times, many individuals face financial hardships. Job losses, rising energy prices, and other unforeseen circumstances can strain a household’s budget. However, in Belgium, regional housing aids are available to support tenants facing difficulties in paying their rent. Let’s delve into the specifics of these aids, region by region.

young people
Simon Maage

Wallonia Region

In Wallonia, the financial aid for tenants is termed ADel (Allocation de Déménagement et de Loyer). If you’re relocating, you can avail of financial support starting from €400. Additionally, monthly financial assistance is available to help cover your rent.

To qualify for the ADeL in Wallonia, you must be a tenant and either an adult or an emancipated minor. Income conditions also apply: a maximum of €15,500 per year for a single person and €21,200 per year for a couple. These amounts increase by €2,900 for each dependent child or disabled adult.

If you meet these criteria, you can apply by filling out the appropriate form on the Wallonia Region’s official website.

Flanders Region

In Flanders, housing aids primarily target social housing tenants, tenants living in substandard or unsuitable properties who are relocating, and the homeless. To be eligible, your annual income should not exceed €25,850 for a single person, €28,015 for a disabled individual, and €38,773 for couples. These amounts increase by €2,167 for each dependent.

You can apply for this aid through the Flemish Social Housing Company. However, you must first register on the waiting list for social housing.

Brussels Region

In Brussels, two types of housing aids are available: rent aid and relocation aid. The former can help you cover a portion of your rent while you wait for social housing. Depending on your household composition and income, the maximum rent allowance is €173.67 per month, with an additional €43.42 per child. The relocation aid aims to assist those living in unsuitable or substandard housing or the homeless. This aid amounts to €983.58, with a possible increase of 10% per dependent.

To qualify, you must be a tenant, an adult or emancipated minor, reside in the Brussels Region, and meet specific income conditions. Moreover, you cannot combine this housing aid with other ongoing rent financial aids.

Applications for financial assistance for Brussels tenants must be submitted within three months of starting the lease in the new property. Application forms are available on the Brussels Housing website.

Additional Information

If you’re keen to learn more about the various housing aids offered across Belgium’s three regions, consider visiting the dedicated page on the website. It provides comprehensive information, ensuring you make an informed decision and avail the best possible support during challenging times.

Belgium’s regional housing aids are a testament to the country’s commitment to supporting its residents during tough financial times. By understanding the specifics of each region’s offerings, tenants can navigate their challenges more effectively and ensure they have a safe and comfortable place to call home.