The closest high school is named "Institut Sainte-Marie" and is 13 minutes' away by car.If you are looking for a preschool, "Ecole Maternelle Libre Sainte-Marguerite" it is 1 minute away by foot.If you are looking for a elementary school, "Ecole Fondamentale Communale Des Frontières" it is 1 minute away by car.You can find a close nursery: "L'Albatros Des Enfants", in fewer than 7 minutes by car.
Do you need to charge an electric car? The nearest charging station ("The Whiksy Lodge") is just 23 minutes away by car.
"Grottes De Neptune Dites Grottes De L'Adujoir" is 12 minutes away.An interesting activity to do in the vicinity: "Brasserie Des Fagnes" within 11 minutes drive.The museum "Site Brûly-De-Pesche 1940" can be reached in 15 minutes.
Public transports
The closest bus line is TEC Namur - Luxembourg - 59/1 - Pesche - Couvin - Cul-des-Sarts - Chimay with a stop reachable in fewer than 1 minute as a pedestrian.
Nearby cities
In just 26 minutes by car you can reach Charleville-Mézières. It takes about 53 minutes to reach La Louvière with your car. In 40 minutes you can reach Charleroi.
For your food shopping, you have multiple options: "Louis Delhaize Cul-Des-Sarts" (12 minutes by car), "Carrefour Express Couvin" (9 minutes by car).
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