"Golf De Rougemont" STRONG]golf can be reached in 14 minutes by car."Parc Attractif Reine Fabiola" is 5 minutes away.The "Téléphérique De La Citadelle De Namur" religious monument can be reached in 3 minutes with a car.Fancy a boat trip? There are "Bateaux Meuse-Ardennes" just 3 minutes away.In 17 minutes you can reach the "Espace De L'Homme De Spy" activity.It takes 2 minutes to reach the museum "Musée Des Arts Anciens Du Namurois".A {minuteCar} minutes drive away is the "Château De Bioul" castle.
Nearby cities
In 41 minutes you can reach Seraing. La Louvière is 36 minutes away by car. It takes about 50 minutes to reach Leuven with your car. In 40 minutes you can reach Liège.
Public transports
You can access these bus lines: TEC Namur - Luxembourg - 21 - Namur - Maredsous, TEC Namur - Luxembourg - 2 - Jambes (Amée) - Saint-Servais (Beau-Vallon), TEC Namur - Luxembourg - 12 - Namur - Huy with a stop 2 minutes away by foot.
You can find a close preschool and elementary school: "Ecole Fondamentale Libre - Institut Notre-Dame", 2 minutes away by car.If you are looking for a high school, "Institut Technique De La Communaute Francaise Felicien Rops" it is 6 minutes away by foot.You can find a close nursery: "La Volière", in fewer than 2 minutes by car.
The nearest train station is "Namen / Namur": reachable in 1 minute by car, or 6 minutes by public transport.Do you have an electric car or plan to have one? The nearest charging station ("Les Tanneurs De Namur") is only 2 minutes’ drive away.The "Libia Velo - Cite Administrative" station allows you to rent a bike at 2 minutes away by foot.The A4 / E411 - E25 (Brussels - Namur - Arlon - (Luxembourg (city), Luxembourg)) can be reached in 3 minutes, and the slip road to A15 / E42 (La Louvière - Charleroi - Namur - Liège) is just a 8 minute drive away.You don’t want to own a car, but you still occasionally need one? There is the "Cambio - Square Léopold" station where you can rent a shared vehicle just 3 minutes away by foot.
For your food shopping, you have multiple options: "Proxy Delhaize Corbeille" (1 minute by foot or 1 minute by car), "Spar Express Namur" (5 minutes by foot or 2 minutes by car), "Louis Delhaize Namur (Rue Bas De La Place)" (8 minutes by foot or 2 minutes by car).
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