Guide of notaries (page 29)

Charlotte BRICOULT & François CATINUS, notaires associés

The notary Charlotte BRICOULT & François CATINUS, notaires associés is located in 6820 Florenville. At the moment, Charlotte BRICOULT & François CATINUS, notaires associés proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 6820 Florenville

Caroline BOUILLON, Société Notariale

The notary Caroline BOUILLON, Société Notariale is located in 6830 Bouillon. At the moment, Caroline BOUILLON, Société Notariale proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 6830 Bouillon

Florence MOREAU, Notaire

The notary Florence MOREAU, Notaire is located in 6760 Virton. At the moment, Florence MOREAU, Notaire proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 6760 Virton


The notary NOTARIS ALEXANDRA SNYERS is located in 3800 Sint-Truiden. At the moment, NOTARIS ALEXANDRA SNYERS proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3800 Sint-Truiden


The notary AUMANN, Franz is located in 3800 Sint-Truiden. At the moment, AUMANN, Franz proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3800 Sint-Truiden

DE BACKERE & KNOOPS - geassocieerde notarissen

The notary DE BACKERE & KNOOPS - geassocieerde notarissen is located in 3920 Lommel. At the moment, DE BACKERE & KNOOPS - geassocieerde notarissen proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3920 Lommel

Notaris Greet Cox

The notary Notaris Greet Cox is located in 3910 Neerpelt. At the moment, Notaris Greet Cox proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3910 Neerpelt


The notary FLEMINGS & JANSEN is located in 3920 Lommel. At the moment, FLEMINGS & JANSEN proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3920 Lommel


The notary NEVEN & BEX is located in 3770 Riemst. At the moment, NEVEN & BEX proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3770 Riemst

Vuylsteke & Bunkens

The notary Vuylsteke & Bunkens is located in 3770 Riemst. At the moment, Vuylsteke & Bunkens proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3770 Riemst

Notaris Dirk SERESIA

The notary Notaris Dirk SERESIA is located in 3900 Overpelt. At the moment, Notaris Dirk SERESIA proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3900 Overpelt

Notaris Frank DE WILDE

The notary Notaris Frank DE WILDE is located in 3890 Gingelom. At the moment, Notaris Frank DE WILDE proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3890 Gingelom


The notary NOTARIS MIA KNAPEN is located in 3620 Lanaken. At the moment, NOTARIS MIA KNAPEN proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3620 Lanaken

Notaris Nolens Christophe

The notary Notaris Nolens Christophe is located in 3800 Sint-Truiden. At the moment, Notaris Nolens Christophe proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3800 Sint-Truiden

Notaris Philippe Van Hoof

The notary Notaris Philippe Van Hoof is located in 3800 Sint-Truiden. At the moment, Notaris Philippe Van Hoof proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3800 Sint-Truiden

Peter JOOSSENS, Notaris

The notary Peter JOOSSENS, Notaris is located in 3620 Lanaken. At the moment, Peter JOOSSENS, Notaris proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3620 Lanaken

Topff, Lopez-Hernandez & Lauwers, geassocieerde notarissen

The notary Topff, Lopez-Hernandez & Lauwers, geassocieerde notarissen is located in 3910 Neerpelt. At the moment, Topff, Lopez-Hernandez & Lauwers, geassocieerde notarissen proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3910 Neerpelt


The notary VREVEN, Simon is located in 3730 Hoeselt. At the moment, VREVEN, Simon proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3730 Hoeselt


The notary WILSENS, CLEEREN & VERDUYN is located in 3830 Wellen. At the moment, WILSENS, CLEEREN & VERDUYN proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3830 Wellen


The notary DELTA is located in 3740 Bilzen. At the moment, DELTA proposes 0 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 3740 Bilzen