2.Investment proposal: in industry or agriculture in Romania Agricultural land and a building and offices on 3 hectares of land (30.000 sqm suitable and construction allowed on the entire surface. There is a guard house at the entrance and a fence around the entire facility (30.000 sqm) . The building is 2250 sqm Surface agri land 80 hectares + …. Till 800 hectares on demand The transfer of the property through the transfer of 100% of the shares as a share-deal. The shareholder is an international investment holding. The transfer will be done with the entire guarantees for the share deal A team fully capable to sustain and continue the activity. Access to the entire documents by signing of a confidentiality agreement NDA via a data-room Budget : 1.840.000 euro with 80 hectares of land Building only: 975.000 euro Extra 104.67 hectare compact land (comasat) at 1.050.000 euro More land can be provided on demand till 800 hectares 3.Building & office The building is on 30.000 sqm of land intabulated in the cadaster of Romania. The constructed area is 2250 sqm. The 30.000 sqm is land for construction ! Ready to build and extend ! ### Want to know more?