Appartment for sale - Luxemburg (page 38)

1477 results (741 - 760)
Apartment for sale Bascharage (RBR89976)

Nouvelle résidence «IRMA» à construire à Bascharage Démarrage du chantier prévu au cours du 2e trimestre 2025. L'appartement 2-07 de 55,66m2 se compose comme suit: - Séjour avec cuisine donnant sur la terrasse de 3,31m2 - Chambre à coucher - SDD - Débarras - Caves privative - Emplacement intérieur Classe énergétique: ABA (NZEB) Prix App. 2-07: 598.910,- € (TVA 17% - pour investissement) Pour plus d'informations veuillez contacter : Fischbach Realtors & Developers ### ### Situation La résidence «IRMA» se situe à Bascharage, 69, avenue de Luxembourg. Elle sera implantée sur un terrain de ca. 10,22 ares. Construction En façade principale se trouvent l’entrée pour piétons et l’accès au garage commun. La résidence comporte un sous-sol, un rez-de-chaussée et trois étages. Au sous-sol nous retrouvons les emplacements privatifs, les caves, les locaux communs et autres locaux techniques. Les étages et le rez-de-chaussée sont réservés à l’habitation ou toute destination admise par les règlements. Conscience environnementale Dans le contexte actuel du développement durable ainsi que de l’économie de l’énergie et de son fort renchérissement nous avons opté pour une construction des habitations sui­vant le standard énergétique «NZEB» (Nearly Zero Energy Building) – Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 30 novembre 2007 concernant la per­formance énergétique des bâtiments d’habitation. La construction et la conception architecturale, la finition de qualité ainsi que l’isolation thermique et phonique, garantissent à tout investisseur une stabilité assurée du capital engagé et un rendement adéquat certain. Environs Bascharage est une ville située dans le sud du Luxembourg dans le canton de Capellen. En 2012 il y a eu une fusion avec Clemency pour former ensemble la commune de «Käerjeng». Käerjeng fait frontière au nord avec Grass, une exclave de la commune de Steinfort, et avec la commune de Garnich; à l’est avec les communes de Dippach et de Sanem, au sud avec les communes de Differdange et de Pétange, et à l’ouest avec les communes belges d’Aubange, Messancy et Arlon. Le centre-ville de Bascharage compte plusieurs restaurants, cafés et magasins, ainsi qu’un théâtre / centre culturel. La maison de culture «Käerjenger Treff» organise régulièrement des concerts et des spectacles. Les centres sportifs «Käerjenger Dribbel» et «Op Acker» disposent d’une grande installation sportive avec un terrain de foot et une petite piscine. À Bascharage, Hautcharage et Linger il y a 9 crèches et 2 maisons relais, une à Bascharage «Op Acker» et une à Clemency. Bascharage abrite la brasserie de bière la plus connue du pays. Dans la zone industrielle «Bommelscheuer» on trouve des entreprises locales et régionales des filiales de grands groupes européens. Un grand centre commercial et plusieurs supermarchés sont à juste 450 m de la résidence. Autour de Bascharage on trouve beaucoup de circuits pédestres et de pistes cyclables comme le PC12, un parcours qui longe la frontière belgo-luxembourgeoise de Pétange jusque Colmar-Berg ou encore la piste cyclabe des 3 cantons (PC6) qui relie Pétange à Remerschen en passant par Sanem, Schifflange, Bettembourg, Altwies et Mondorf. La piste cyclable Faubourg Minier (PC9) passe entre Sanem et Kockelscheuer. Mobilité La Gare de Bascharage-Sanem (4,4 km de la résidence) est une gare ferroviaire de la ligne 7 de Luxembourg à Pétange. Elle est desservie par des trains CFL, Regional-Express (RE, Allemagne) et Regionalbunn (RB, Allemagne). Un parc pour vélos «mBox» est mis à disposition et les bus «TICE» lignes 3, 13 et 14 passent devant la gare. Les arrêts de bus les plus proches de la résidence sont «Sicon» (227 m) ou «Treff / Op Acker» (173 m). Lignes de bus RGTR: Ligne 622: Luxembourg – Bascharage-Sanem Ligne 623: Luxembourg – Bascharage-Sanem Ligne 701: Luxembourg – Bascharage – Oberkorn Ligne 702: Luxembourg – Bascharage – Rodange Ligne 703: Luxembourg – Pétange – Aubange (B) – Mont St. Martin (F) Ligne 711: Luxembourg – Rodange (via Dippach) Ligne 821: Luxembourg – Garnich – Clemency Ligne 831: Pétange – Clemency – Steinfort Lignes de bus TICE: Ligne 3: Esch – Belvaux – Bascharage – Linger – Rodange Ligne 13: Esch – Ehlerange – Bascharage – Pétange –Rodange Ligne 14: Differdange – Sanem – Pétange – Rodange Ligne 15: Esch – Belval – Belvaux – Bascharage – Fingig – Clemency ➜ ### ➜ ### Écoles École précoce de Bascharage, rue du Stade Cycle 1: École préscolaire de Bascharage, rue de la Poste Cycle 1: École du Centre: rue de la Résistance Cycles 2 – 4: École «Op Acker» à 350 m de la résidence Lycée Technique pour Professions de Santé (, rue de l’Église Lycée Technique Mathias Adam à Pétange École Nature Lasauvage L'excellent emplacement tout comme la construction et la conception architecturale, la finition de qualité ainsi que l'isolation thermique, garantissent à tout investisseur une stabilité assurée du capital engagé et un rendement adéquat certain et un confort de vie haut de gamme pour l’acquéreur voulant habiter ce bien. --- FISCHBACH Realtors & Developers vous propose des objets sélectionnés, pour répondre à la demande de notre clientèle. N‘hésitez pas à consulter notre site WWW.FISCHBACH.LU pour découvrir de photos supplémentaires et nos autres biens. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Bascharage (RBR89963)

La résidence « IRMA » se situe à Bascharage, 69, avenue de Luxembourg. Elle sera implantée sur un terrain de ca. 10,22 ares. Le lot A-2-07 d’une surface habitable de 84,5 m2 se compose comme suit: -Séjour/cuisine -1 Chambre à coucher de +-11 m2 -1 Chambre à coucher de +-15 m2 -Salle de douche de +-5 m2 -Débarras de +-2,5 m2 -Balcon de +-3,5 m2 Il se rajoute 1 emplacement de parking intérieur ainsi qu'une cave privative. +++ Informations supplémentaires +++ Les prix affichés s’entendent TVA 3%. +++ CLASSE ÉNERGÉTIQUE A/B/A +++ CONSTRUCTION AU STANDARD DIT « NZEB » Classe de performance énergétique A Classe d’isolation thermique B Classe de performance environnementale A N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour tout renseignement supplémentaire ou pour un rendez-vous à l’agence, soit par mail à ### , soit par téléphone au numéro ### +++ Sous toutes réserves +++ ---------- Die Residenz "IRMA" befindet sich in Bascharage, 69, avenue de Luxembourg. Die Wohnanlage wird auf einem Grundstück von ca. 10,22 Ar. Das Grundstück A-2-07 mit einer Wohnfläche von 84,5 m2 setzt sich wie folgt zusammen: -Wohnzimmer/Küche -1 Schlafzimmer von +-11 m2 -1 Schlafzimmer von +-15 m2 -Duschraum von +-5 m2 -Abstellraum von +-2,5 m2 -Balkon von +-3,5 m2 Hinzu kommen 1 Innenparkplatz und ein privater Keller. +++ Weitere Informationen +++ Die angegebenen Preise verstehen sich inklusive 3% Mehrwertsteuer. +++ ENERGIEKLASSE A/B/A +++ BAU NACH DEM SOGENANNTEN "NZEB"-STANDARD Klasse der Energieeffizienz A Klasse der Wärmedämmung B Umweltverträglichkeitsklasse A Für weitere Informationen oder einen Termin in der Agentur können Sie sich gerne an uns wenden, entweder per E-Mail an ### oder telefonisch unter der Nummer ### +++ Unter allen Vorbehalten +++ ---------- The "IRMA" residence is located in Bascharage, 69, avenue de Luxembourg. It will be built on a plot of ca. 10.22 ares. Lot A-2-07, with a floor area of 84.5 m2, is composed as follows: -Living room/kitchen -1 Bedroom +-11 m2 -1 Bedroom +-15 m2 -Shower room +-5 m2 -Storeroom +-2.5 m2 -Balcony +-3.5 m2 In addition, 1 indoor parking space and a private cellar. +++ Additional information +++ Prices include 3% VAT. +++ ENERGY CLASS A/B/A +++ BUILT TO "NZEB" STANDARD Energy performance class A Thermal insulation class B Environmental performance class A Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or to arrange an appointment at the agency, either by e-mail at ### , or by telephone on ### +++ All rights reserved +++ Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Bascharage (RBR89577)

LA Immo est heureux de vous proposer cet appartement moderne de 1 chambre situé au 2ème étage de la Résidence IRMA à Bascharage, un projet signé par le prestigieux promoteur Arend & Fischbach. Alliant qualité de construction et matériaux durables, cet appartement offre un cadre de vie agréable et un investissement pérenne. Description de l’appartement Avec une superficie de ± 55,5 m², cet appartement dispose d’un agencement optimisé pour offrir tout le confort nécessaire. Il est parfait pour un couple, une personne seule ou même un investisseur cherchant à acquérir un bien bien situé et de qualité. - Espace de vie : Un séjour spacieux de ± 34,5 m² avec cuisine ouverte, salon et hall d’entrée, créant un environnement convivial et fonctionnel. - Chambre : Une chambre de ± 13,5 m², idéale pour un espace de repos calme et confortable. - Salle de douche : Une salle de douche moderne de ± 5,0 m². - Débarras : Un débarras pratique de ± 2,5 m² pour plus de rangement. - Balcon : Un balcon de ± 3,5 m² pour profiter de l’extérieur en toute tranquillité. Un emplacement stratégique à Bascharage La Résidence IRMA se situe à Bascharage, à proximité immédiate de la Belgique et de la France, avec un accès rapide aux principales routes. Ce quartier calme et dynamique est parfait pour les frontaliers, avec des commerces, des écoles et des installations sportives à proximité. Un investissement durable Cet appartement est une opportunité idéale pour un premier achat, un investisseur ou une personne à la recherche d'un bien pratique et bien situé. Grâce à la qualité de sa construction, vous êtes assuré de faire un investissement durable et sécurisé. N'attendez plus pour découvrir cet appartement et ses nombreux avantages. Contactez-nous dès aujourd'hui pour obtenir plus d’informations. Contact de l’agence LA Immo : Téléphone : ### Email : ### Site web : ---------- LA Immo freut sich, Ihnen diese moderne 1-Zimmer-Wohnung im 2. Stock der Residenz IRMA in Bascharage anzubieten, ein Projekt des renommierten Bauträgers Arend & Fischbach. Diese Wohnung kombiniert hochwertige Bauqualität und langlebige Materialien und bietet Ihnen einen angenehmen Lebensraum und eine langfristige Investition. Wohnungsbeschreibung Mit einer Fläche von ca. 55,5 m² bietet diese Wohnung eine durchdachte Raumaufteilung, die Komfort und Funktionalität vereint. Sie eignet sich perfekt für Paare, Alleinstehende oder Investoren, die eine gut gelegene und qualitativ hochwertige Immobilie suchen. - Wohnbereich : Ein großzügiger Wohnbereich von ca. 34,5 m² mit offener Küche, Wohnzimmer und Eingangsbereich, der eine freundliche und funktionale Atmosphäre schafft. - Schlafzimmer : Ein Schlafzimmer von ca. 13,5 m², ideal für eine ruhige und komfortable Nachtruhe. - Dusche : Ein modernes Duschbad von ca. 5,0 m². - Abstellraum : Ein praktischer Abstellraum von ca. 2,5 m² für zusätzlichen Stauraum. - Balkon : Ein Balkon von ca. 3,5 m², ideal, um draußen zu entspannen. Strategische Lage in Bascharage Die Residenz IRMA befindet sich in Bascharage, in unmittelbarer Nähe zu Belgien und Frankreich, mit schnellem Zugang zu den Hauptverkehrsstraßen. Dieser ruhige und dynamische Stadtteil ist ideal für Pendler, mit Geschäften, Schulen und Sporteinrichtungen in der Nähe. Eine nachhaltige Investition Diese Wohnung stellt eine ideale Gelegenheit für Erstkäufer, Investoren oder Einzelpersonen dar, die nach einer praktischen und gut gelegenen Immobilie suchen. Dank der hohen Bauqualität ist eine nachhaltige und sichere Investition garantiert. Zögern Sie nicht, diese Wohnung und ihre vielen Vorteile zu entdecken. Kontaktieren Sie uns noch heute, um eine Besichtigung zu vereinbaren und weitere Informationen zu erhalten. Kontaktinformationen der Agentur LA Immo Telefon: ### E-Mail: ### Website: ---------- LA Immo is pleased to offer this modern 1-bedroom apartment located on the second floor of the prestigious IRMA Residence in Bascharage, a project by the renowned developer Arend & Fischbach. Combining high-quality construction and durable materials, this apartment provides a comfortable living space and a long-term investment. Apartment Description With an area of ± 55.5 m², this apartment features a well-designed layout that offers both comfort and functionality. It is perfect for a couple, a single person, or even an investor looking for a well-located, quality property. - Living area: A spacious living area of ± 34.5 m² with an open kitchen, living room, and entrance hall, creating a welcoming and functional space. - Bedroom: A bedroom of ± 13.5 m², perfect for a restful and comfortable retreat. - Shower Room: A modern shower room of ± 5.0 m². - Storage: A practical storage room of ± 2.5 m² for added convenience. - Balcony: A balcony of ± 3.5 m², ideal for enjoying the outdoors in peace. Strategic Location in Bascharage The IRMA Residence is ideally located in Bascharage, close to the Belgian and French borders, with quick access to major roads. This quiet yet dynamic neighborhood is perfect for commuters, with shops, schools, and sports facilities nearby. A Sustainable Investment This apartment represents an excellent opportunity for first-time buyers, investors, or individuals looking for a practical, well-located property. With its high-quality construction, you are assured of making a secure and long-lasting investment. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to visit this apartment and discover all its advantages. Contact us today to get more information. LA Immo Agency Contact Information Phone: ### Email: ### Website: Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Bascharage (RBR89511)

La résidence « IRMA » se situe à Bascharage, 69, avenue de Luxembourg. Elle sera implantée sur un terrain de ca. 10,22 ares. Le lot A-1-04 d’une surface habitable de 55,5 m2 se compose comme suit: -Séjour/cuisine -Hall d'entrée +-34,5 m2 -1 Chambre à coucher de +-13,5 m2 -Salle de douche de +-5 m2 -Débarras de +-2,5 m2 -Terrasse de +-3,5 m2 Il se rajoute 1 emplacement de parking intérieur ainsi qu'une cave privative. +++ Informations supplémentaires +++ Les prix affichés s’entendent TVA 3%. +++ CLASSE ÉNERGÉTIQUE A/B/A +++ CONSTRUCTION AU STANDARD DIT « NZEB » Classe de performance énergétique A Classe d’isolation thermique B Classe de performance environnementale A N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour tout renseignement supplémentaire ou pour un rendez-vous à l’agence, soit par mail à ### , soit par téléphone au numéro ### +++ Sous toutes réserves +++ ---------- Die Residenz "IRMA" befindet sich in Bascharage, 69, avenue de Luxembourg. Die Wohnanlage wird auf einem Grundstück von ca. 10,22 Ar. Das Grundstück A-1-04 mit einer Wohnfläche von 55,5 m2 setzt sich wie folgt zusammen: -Wohnzimmer/Küche -Eingangshalle +-34,5 m2 -1 Schlafzimmer +-13,5 m2 -Duschraum +-5 m2 -Abstellraum +-2,5 m2 -Terrasse von +-3,5 m2 Hinzu kommen 1 Innenparkplatz und ein privater Keller. +++ Weitere Informationen +++ Die angegebenen Preise verstehen sich inklusive 3% Mehrwertsteuer. +++ ENERGIEKLASSE A/B/A +++ BAU NACH DEM SOGENANNTEN "NZEB"-STANDARD Klasse der Energieeffizienz A Klasse der Wärmedämmung B Umweltverträglichkeitsklasse A Für weitere Informationen oder einen Termin in der Agentur können Sie sich gerne an uns wenden, entweder per E-Mail an ### oder telefonisch unter der Nummer ### +++ Unter allen Vorbehalten +++ ---------- The "IRMA" residence is located in Bascharage, 69, avenue de Luxembourg. It will be built on a plot of ca. 10.22 ares. Lot A-1-04, with a floor area of 55.5 m2, is composed as follows: -Living room/kitchen -Entrance hall +-34.5 m2 -1 Bedroom +-13.5 m2 -Shower room +-5 m2 -Storeroom +-2.5 m2 -Terrace +-3.5 m2 In addition, there is 1 indoor parking space and a private cellar. +++ Additional information +++ Prices include 3% VAT. +++ ENERGY CLASS A/B/A +++ BUILT TO "NZEB" STANDARD Energy performance class A Thermal insulation class B Environmental performance class A Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or to arrange an appointment at the agency, either by e-mail at ### , or by telephone on ### +++ All rights reserved +++ Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Wormeldange (RBR88491)
487 920 €

5482 Wormeldange

Discover our new residence "Augustin" in Wormeldange. Composed of 2 one-bedroom apartments, the residence offers an exceptional view of the Moselle. Each space has been carefully designed, combining modern and elegant architecture with quality features. Ideally located, this residence guarantees you a peaceful living environment where comfort and aesthetics meet to offer a unique experience. Apartment 01 will be composed as follows : - 1 entrance hall of 3.62 m² - 1 separate WC of 1.80 m² - 1 bathroom of 5.66 m² - 1 bedroom of 13.46 m² - 1 living/dining room/kitchen of 33.06 m² - 1 balcony of 5.52 m² A private cellar of 16.48 m², as well as two private outdoor parking spaces, complete the apartment. Technical equipment : - NZEB standard (Nearly Zero Energy Building) - Energy class A/B/A - Underfloor heating - Heat pump - Controlled ventilation system - Facade insulation - Triple-glazed windows Modifications of the plans are possible with the advice of our architects. Prices are inclusive of tax; 3% and respectively 17% for the differential on the share. For more information, we are at your disposal ! Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s) 1 Bathroom(s)
Apartment for sale Wormeldange (RBR88489)
508 250 €

5482 Wormeldange

Discover our new ?Augustin' residence in Wormeldange. Comprising 2 1-bedroom flats, the residence offers exceptional views over the Moselle. Each space has been carefully designed, combining modern, elegant architecture with high-quality features. Ideally located, this residence guarantees a peaceful living environment where comfort and aesthetics meet to create a unique experience. Flat 01 comprises : - 3.62 m² entrance hall - separate 1.80 m² WC - 5.66 m² bathroom - 13.46 m² bedroom - 33.06 m² living/dining room/kitchen - 8.55 m² terrace - 48.18 m² private garden An 11.87 m² private cellar and two private outdoor parking spaces complete the flat. Technical equipment : - NZEB (Nearly Zero Energy Building) standard - Energy class A/B/A - Underfloor heating - Heat pump - Controlled ventilation system - Façade insulation - Triple-glazed windows Plans can be modified with the advice of our architects. Prices include 3% VAT and 17% for the differential on the share. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us ! Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s) 1 Bathroom(s)
Apartment for sale Esch-sur-Alzette (RBR88480)
365 000 €

4140 Esch-sur-Alzette

Rooftop Immobilier offers for sale a 54m2 apartment on the ground floor, close to public transport in the heart of ESCH/ALZETTE! Possibility of a professional activity is limited to liberal professions such as lawyers, doctors, notaries, etc. The apartment offers you a spacious entrance hall, a living room, a kitchen/dining room, a shower room, a separate toilet, and a bedroom. There is also a communal laundry area and a private cellar. Do not hesitate to contact Mr. Osmanovic at ### if you need information regarding the sale or rental of your property! We also provide property appraisals (apartment, house, land) by appointment! Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Mondorf-les-Bains (RBR88474)
492 315 €

5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

For Sale ? Apartments in the Former Grand Chef Hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains Treat yourself to an exceptional address within the former Grand Chef Hotel, transformed into an elegant and modern residence in the heart of Mondorf-les-Bains. Located just steps from the Thermal Domain and the Municipal Park, this unique residence offers 15 apartments spread over three floors, combining historical charm and contemporary comfort. The facades, with their heritage value, will be carefully preserved to maintain the historical character of the building. Behind these facades, a modern structure will be erected, offering optimized and functional living spaces. Highlights of the residence: - Prime location: just steps from the thermal baths and the park, with direct access to amenities and transport - Historical allure and modern comfort: an architecture that preserves the charm of the old while integrating contemporary facilities - Optional parking: possibility to acquire an underground parking space for €40,000 including VAT (17% VAT) Sales Details: - Energy class: C-D - Type of sale: VEFA (Sale in Future State of Completion) ? Contact us for more information - Availability: to be agreed upon - Note: The visuals are provided for informational purposes and are non-contractual. Furniture and kitchen equipment are not included in the price. Contact Us For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact: Bernard Moes MT REAL ESTATE INVEST Phone: ### Email: ### Don't miss this great opportunity to acquire a character property in a prestigious setting, combining history and modernity. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Mondorf-les-Bains (RBR88473)
766 590 €

5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

For Sale ? Apartments in the Former Grand Chef Hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains Treat yourself to an exceptional address within the former Grand Chef Hotel, transformed into an elegant and modern residence in the heart of Mondorf-les-Bains. Located just a few steps from the Thermal Domain and the Municipal Park, this unique residence offers 15 apartments spread over three floors, combining historic charm with contemporary comfort. The facades, with their heritage value, will be carefully preserved to maintain the historical character of the building. Behind these facades, a modern edifice will be erected, offering optimized and functional living spaces. Highlights of the residence: - Prime location: just steps from the thermal baths and the park, with direct access to amenities and transport - Historical allure and modern comfort: architecture that retains the charm of the past while incorporating contemporary installations - Parking optional: possibility to acquire an underground parking space for the price of €40,000 including VAT (17% VAT) Sales details: - Energy class: C-D - Type of sale: VEFA (Sale in Future State of Completion) ? Contact us for more information - Availability: to be agreed upon - Note: The visuals are provided for indicative purposes and are not contractual. Furniture and kitchen equipment are not included in the price. Contact us For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact: Bernard Moes MT REAL ESTATE INVEST Phone: ### Email: ### Do not miss this wonderful opportunity to acquire a character property in a prestigious setting, blending history and modernity. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Mondorf-les-Bains (RBR88472)
501 860 €

5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

For Sale ? Apartments in the Former Grand Chef Hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains Treat yourself to an exceptional address within the former Grand Chef Hotel, transformed into an elegant and modern residence in the heart of Mondorf-les-Bains. Located just steps away from the Thermal Domain and the Municipal Park, this unique residence offers 15 apartments spread over three floors, combining historical charm with contemporary comfort. The façades, with their heritage value, will be carefully preserved to maintain the historic character of the building. Behind these façades, a modern structure will be erected, providing optimized and functional living spaces. Highlights of the residence: - Prime location: just steps from the thermal baths and park, with direct access to amenities and transportation - Historic allure and modern comfort: an architecture that retains the charm of the past while incorporating contemporary facilities - Optional parking: possibility to acquire an underground parking space at the price of €40,000 including VAT (17% VAT) Sale details: - Energy class: C-D - Type of sale: VEFA (Sale in Future State of Completion) ? Contact us for more information - Availability: to be agreed upon - Note: The visuals are provided for indicative purposes and are non-contractual. Furniture and kitchen equipment are not included in the price. Contact us For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact: Bernard Moes MT REAL ESTATE INVEST Phone: ### Email: ### Don't miss this great opportunity to acquire a character property in a prestigious setting, combining history and modernity. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Mondorf-les-Bains (RBR88463)
633 420 €

5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

For Sale ? Apartments in the Former Grand Chef Hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains Treat yourself to an exceptional address within the former Grand Chef Hotel, transformed into an elegant and modern residence in the heart of Mondorf-les-Bains. Located just a few steps from the Thermal Domain and the Municipal Park, this unique residence offers 15 apartments spread across three floors, combining historic charm with contemporary comfort. The facades, with their heritage value, will be carefully preserved to maintain the building's historical character. Behind these facades, a modern edifice will be erected, offering optimized and functional living spaces. Highlights of the residence: - Prime location: just steps from the thermal baths and the park, with direct access to amenities and transport - Historical charm and modern comfort: architecture that retains the charm of the old while integrating contemporary facilities - Optional parking: possibility to acquire an underground parking space for 40,000 € including VAT (17% VAT) Sales details: - Energy class: C-D - Type of sale: VEFA (Sale in the Future State of Completion) ? Contact us for more information - Availability: to be agreed upon - Note: Images are provided for illustrative purposes only and are non-contractual. Furniture and kitchen appliances are not included in the price. Contact us For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact: Bernard Moes MT REAL ESTATE INVEST Phone: ### Email: ### Don't miss this great opportunity to acquire a property of character in a prestigious setting, combining history and modernity. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Mondorf-les-Bains (RBR88462)
596 160 €

5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

For Sale ? Apartments in the Former Grand Chef Hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains Treat yourself to an exceptional address within the former Grand Chef Hotel, transformed into an elegant and modern residence in the heart of Mondorf-les-Bains. Located just a stone's throw from the Thermal Domain and the Municipal Park, this unique residence features 15 apartments spread over three floors, combining historical charm with contemporary comfort. The facades, with their heritage value, will be carefully preserved to maintain the historical character of the building. Behind these facades, a modern structure will be erected, offering optimized and functional living spaces. Highlights of the residence: - Prime location: just steps from the spa and park, with direct access to amenities and public transport - Historical allure and modern comfort: an architecture that maintains the charm of the old while integrating contemporary facilities - Parking option: possibility of acquiring an underground parking space at the price of €40,000 including VAT (17% VAT) Sales details: - Energy class: C-D - Type of sale: VEFA (Sale in Future State of Completion) ? Contact us for more information - Availability: to be agreed upon Note: The visuals are provided for indicative purposes and are non-contractual. The furniture and kitchen equipment are not included in the price. Contact us: For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact: Bernard Moes MT REAL ESTATE INVEST Phone: ### Email: ### Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to acquire a character property in a prestigious setting, combining history and modernity. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Mondorf-les-Bains (RBR88457)
477 135 €

5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

For Sale ? Apartments in the Former Grand Chef Hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains Offer yourself an exceptional address in the former Grand Chef Hotel, transformed into an elegant and modern residence in the heart of Mondorf-les-Bains. Located just steps away from the Thermal Domain and Municipal Park, this unique residence features 15 apartments spread over three floors, combining historic charm with contemporary comfort. The facades, with their heritage value, will be carefully preserved to maintain the historical character of the building. Behind these facades, a modern structure will be erected, offering optimized and functional living spaces. Highlights of the residence: - Prime location: just steps from the thermal spa and park, with direct access to amenities and transportation - Historical allure and modern comfort: architecture that retains the charm of the old while integrating contemporary amenities - Optional parking: the possibility to purchase an underground parking space for €40,000 (17% VAT included) Sale details: - Energy class: C-D - Type of sale: VEFA (Sale in Future State of Completion) ? Contact us for more information - Availability: to be determined - Note: The visuals are provided for indicative purposes and are not contractual. Furniture and kitchen equipment are not included in the price. Contact us For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact: Bernard Moes MT REAL ESTATE INVEST Phone: ### Email: ### Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to acquire a character property in a prestigious setting, combining history and modernity. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Mondorf-les-Bains (RBR88456)
729 790 €

5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

For Sale ? Apartments in the Former Grand Chef Hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains Treat yourself to an exceptional address within the former Grand Chef Hotel, transformed into an elegant and modern residence in the heart of Mondorf-les-Bains. Located just steps away from the Thermal Domain and the Municipal Park, this unique residence offers 15 apartments spread over three floors, combining historic charm with contemporary comfort. The facades, with their heritage value, will be carefully preserved to maintain the historical character of the building. Behind these facades, a modern structure will be erected, providing optimized and functional living spaces. Highlights of the residence: Privileged location: just a stone's throw from the thermal baths and park, with direct access to amenities and transport. Historical allure and modern comfort: architecture that preserves the charm of the past while integrating contemporary facilities. Parking option: possibility to acquire an underground parking space for €40,000 incl. VAT (17% VAT). Sales details: Energy class: C-D Type of sale: VEFA (Sale in Future State of Completion) ? Contact us for more information. Availability: to be agreed upon. Note: Visuals are provided for indicative purposes and are not contractual. Furniture and kitchen equipment are not included in the price. Contact us For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact: Bernard Moes MT REAL ESTATE INVEST Phone: ### Email: ### Do not miss this wonderful opportunity to acquire a character property in a prestigious setting, combining history and modernity. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Mondorf-les-Bains (RBR88455)
488 175 €

5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

For Sale ? Apartments in the Former Grand Chef Hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains Treat yourself to an exceptional address within the former Grand Chef Hotel, transformed into an elegant and modern residence in the heart of Mondorf-les-Bains. Located just a few steps away from the Thermal Domain and the Municipal Park, this unique residence offers 15 apartments spread over three floors, combining historical charm with contemporary comfort. The facades, with their heritage value, will be carefully preserved to maintain the historical character of the building. Behind these facades, a modern structure will be erected, providing optimized and functional living spaces. Highlights of the residence: - Prime location: just steps from the thermal baths and the park, with direct access to amenities and transportation - Historical allure and modern comfort: architecture that retains the charm of the old while integrating contemporary facilities - Option for parking: the possibility to acquire a basement parking space for €40,000 including VAT (17% VAT) Sales details: - Energy class: C-D - Type of sale: VEFA (Sale in the Future State of Completion) ? Contact us for more information - Availability: to be agreed upon Note: The visuals are for indicative purposes only and are non-contractual. Furniture and kitchen equipment are not included in the price. Contact us For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact: Bernard Moes MT REAL ESTATE INVEST Phone: ### Email: ### Don't miss this great opportunity to acquire a character property in a prestigious setting, combining history and modernity. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Mondorf-les-Bains (RBR88453)
619 735 €

5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

For Sale ? Apartments in the Former Grand Chef Hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains Treat yourself to an exceptional address in the former Grand Chef Hotel, transformed into an elegant and modern residence in the heart of Mondorf-les-Bains. Located just steps from the Thermal Domain and the Municipal Park, this unique residence offers 15 apartments spread across three floors, combining historical charm with contemporary comfort. The facades, with their heritage value, will be carefully preserved to maintain the historical character of the building. Behind these facades, a modern structure will be erected, providing optimized and functional living spaces. Highlights of the residence: - Prime location: just steps from the thermal baths and park, with direct access to amenities and transportation - Historical appeal and modern comfort: architecture that retains the charm of the old while incorporating contemporary facilities - Optional parking: possibility to acquire an underground parking space for €40,000 including VAT (17%) Sales details: - Energy class: C-D - Type of sale: VEFA (Sale in Future State of Completion) ? Contact us for more information - Availability: to be agreed upon - Note: Images are provided for illustrative purposes and are not contractual. Furniture and kitchen equipment are not included in the price. Contact Us For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact: Bernard Moes MT REAL ESTATE INVEST Phone: ### Email: ### Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to acquire a property with character in a prestigious setting, combining history and modernity. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Mondorf-les-Bains (RBR88451)
581 210 €

5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

For Sale - Apartments in the Former Grand Chef Hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains Treat yourself to an exceptional address within the former Grand Chef Hotel, transformed into an elegant and modern residence in the heart of Mondorf-les-Bains. Located just a few steps from the Thermal Domain and the Municipal Park, this unique residence offers 15 apartments spread over three floors, combining historic charm with contemporary comfort. The facades, with their heritage value, will be carefully preserved to maintain the historical character of the building. Behind these facades, a modern structure will be erected, offering optimized and functional living spaces. Highlights of the residence: - Prime location: just steps from the thermal baths and the park, with direct access to amenities and transport. - Historical allure and modern comfort: an architecture that retains the charm of the old while integrating contemporary facilities. - Optional parking: the possibility to acquire an underground parking space for €40,000 incl. VAT (17% VAT). Sales details: - Energy class: C-D - Type of sale: VEFA (Sale in Future State of Completion) ? Contact us for more information. - Availability: to be agreed upon. - Note: Images are for illustrative purposes only and are not contractual. Furniture and kitchen equipment are not included in the price. Contact us For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact: Bernard Moes MT REAL ESTATE INVEST Phone: ### Email: ### Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to acquire a character property in a prestigious setting, combining history and modernity. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Mondorf-les-Bains (RBR88450)
475 295 €

5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

For Sale ? Apartments in the Former Grand Chef Hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains Treat yourself to an exceptional address within the former Grand Chef Hotel, transformed into an elegant and modern residence in the heart of Mondorf-les-Bains. Located just a few steps from the Thermal Domain and the Municipal Park, this unique residence offers 15 apartments spread over three floors, combining historical charm with contemporary comfort. The façades, with their heritage value, will be carefully preserved to maintain the historical character of the building. Behind these façades, a modern building will be erected, offering optimized and functional living spaces. Highlights of the residence: - Prime location: just steps from the thermal baths and park, with direct access to amenities and transport - Historical appeal and modern comfort: architecture that retains the charm of the old while integrating contemporary facilities - Optional parking: the possibility to acquire an underground parking space at a price of €40,000 VAT included (17% VAT) Sales details: - Energy class: C-D - Type of sale: VEFA (Sale in Future State of Completion) ? Contact us for more information - Availability: to be agreed upon - Note: The images are provided for informational purposes and are not contractual. Furniture and kitchen equipment are not included in the price. Contact us For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact: Bernard Moes MT REAL ESTATE INVEST Phone: ### Email: ### Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to acquire a character property in a prestigious setting, combining history and modernity. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)
Apartment for sale Mondorf-les-Bains (RBR88449)
746 005 €

5610 Mondorf-les-Bains

For Sale ? Apartments in the Former Grand Chef Hotel in Mondorf-les-Bains Treat yourself to an exceptional address within the former Grand Chef Hotel, transformed into an elegant and modern residence in the heart of Mondorf-les-Bains. Located just a few steps from the Thermal Domain and the Municipal Park, this unique residence offers 15 apartments spread over three floors, combining historic charm and contemporary comfort. The façades, with their heritage value, will be carefully preserved to maintain the historical character of the building. Behind these façades, a modern structure will be built, offering optimized and functional living spaces. Highlights of the residence: Prime location: just a step away from the thermal baths and the park, with direct access to amenities and transportation Historic allure and modern comfort: architecture that preserves the charm of the old while integrating contemporary facilities Parking option: possibility to acquire an underground parking space at a price of €40,000 including VAT (17% VAT) Sales details: Energy class: C-D Type of sale: VEFA (Sale in Future State of Completion) ? Contact us for more information Availability: to be agreed upon Note: The visuals are provided for indicative purposes and are not contractual. Furniture and kitchen equipment are not included in the price. Contact us For more information or to arrange a visit, please contact: Bernard Moes MT REAL ESTATE INVEST Phone: ### Email: ### Don't miss this great opportunity to acquire a character property in a prestigious setting, blending history and modernity. Want to know more?

1 Bedroom(s)