Guide of notaries (page 6)

Manon PEDUZY, Notaire

The notary Manon PEDUZY, Notaire is located in 4000 Liege. At the moment, Manon PEDUZY, Notaire proposes 4 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

Notaris Thomas DUSSELIER

The notary Notaris Thomas DUSSELIER is located in 8300 Knokke-Heist. At the moment, Notaris Thomas DUSSELIER proposes 1 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

Delmotte, Pierre

The notary Delmotte, Pierre is located in 4000 Rocourt. At the moment, Delmotte, Pierre proposes 5 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?


The notary PRISMA NOTARISSEN is located in 8930 Menen. At the moment, PRISMA NOTARISSEN proposes 3 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

Julie Canavesi - Société Notariale

The notary Julie Canavesi - Société Notariale is located in 4100 Seraing. At the moment, Julie Canavesi - Société Notariale proposes 2 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

Baelden, Vincent

The notary Baelden, Vincent is located in 5651 Thy-le-Château. At the moment, Baelden, Vincent proposes 4 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 5651 Thy-le-Château

Etienne BEGUIN, Notaires Associés

The notary Etienne BEGUIN, Notaires Associés is located in 5570 Beauraing. At the moment, Etienne BEGUIN, Notaires Associés proposes 3 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

Fabienne JEANDRAIN, Notaire

The notary Fabienne JEANDRAIN, Notaire is located in 4400 Ivoz-Ramet. At the moment, Fabienne JEANDRAIN, Notaire proposes 4 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 4400 Ivoz-Ramet


The notary FRIPPIAT Antoine is located in 6920 Wellin. At the moment, FRIPPIAT Antoine proposes 2 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

Jean-Pierre MISSON et Amélie PERLEAU, Notaires associés

The notary Jean-Pierre MISSON et Amélie PERLEAU, Notaires associés is located in 5590 Ciney. At the moment, Jean-Pierre MISSON et Amélie PERLEAU, Notaires associés proposes 3 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

Louis JADOUL & Thibaut de PAUL de BARCHIFONTAINE - Notaires associés

The notary Louis JADOUL & Thibaut de PAUL de BARCHIFONTAINE - Notaires associés is located in 5004 Bouge. At the moment, Louis JADOUL & Thibaut de PAUL de BARCHIFONTAINE - Notaires associés proposes 2 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

Marie-Noëlle XHAFLAIRE, Charlotte LOUSBERG & Géraldine FRANCK, notaire

The notary Marie-Noëlle XHAFLAIRE, Charlotte LOUSBERG & Géraldine FRANCK, notaire is located in 4850 Montzen. At the moment, Marie-Noëlle XHAFLAIRE, Charlotte LOUSBERG & Géraldine FRANCK, notaire proposes 1 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

Etude GREGOIRE, notaires associés

The notary Etude GREGOIRE, notaires associés is located in 4520 Moha. At the moment, Etude GREGOIRE, notaires associés proposes 4 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

Devos, Turpyn, Mullie & Voet, notarissenassociatie

The notary Devos, Turpyn, Mullie & Voet, notarissenassociatie is located in 8554 Sint-Denijs. At the moment, Devos, Turpyn, Mullie & Voet, notarissenassociatie proposes 4 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?
 8554 Sint-Denijs

Maryline VANDENDORPE, Notaire - Notaris

The notary Maryline VANDENDORPE, Notaire - Notaris is located in 7850 Enghien. At the moment, Maryline VANDENDORPE, Notaire - Notaris proposes 3 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

De Jonghe & Verrewaere, Geassocieerde Notarissen

The notary De Jonghe & Verrewaere, Geassocieerde Notarissen is located in 8400 Oostende. At the moment, De Jonghe & Verrewaere, Geassocieerde Notarissen proposes 1 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?


The notary MAXIMILIEN CHARPENTIER, société notariale is located in 5140 Sombreffe. At the moment, MAXIMILIEN CHARPENTIER, société notariale proposes 2 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

Olivier de LAMINNE de BEX, Société notariale

The notary Olivier de LAMINNE de BEX, Société notariale is located in 4300 Waremme. At the moment, Olivier de LAMINNE de BEX, Société notariale proposes 4 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?

Patrick Lambinet & Agathe Genin

The notary Patrick Lambinet & Agathe Genin is located in 5590 Ciney. At the moment, Patrick Lambinet & Agathe Genin proposes 2 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?


The notary Etude SCAVEE, MAGHE ET LENELLE is located in 4190 Xhoris. At the moment, Etude SCAVEE, MAGHE ET LENELLE proposes 4 properties for sale, 0 properties for rent. Want to know more?