Huis te koop - Italië (pagina 3)

249 zoekertjes (41 - 60)
Huis te koop Ripe San Ginesio (RBJ49865)
339 000 €

62020 Ripe San Ginesio

p>Casa del Fico is een prachtig stenen huis dat volledig is gerenoveerd en op een rustige locatie ligt, vlakbij het gezellige stadje San Ginesio. Het huis biedt veel privacy en een schitterend uitzicht over de heuvels en de bergen. Het huis is zo'n 20 jaar geleden herbouwd en ongeveer 10 jaar geleden opnieuw gemoderniseerd. Het stenen exterieur is met veel zorg en vakmanschap gemaakt. De twee loggia's zijn ideaal om te genieten van een cappuccino in de ochtend, een Prosecco in de namiddag of een heerlijke maaltijd in de buitenlucht. Het huis is eenvoudig en comfortabel ingericht. De tuin is makkelijk te onderhouden en te bewonen. Het ruime bijgebouw, dat in 2015 is gerestaureerd, biedt extra mogelijkheden./p>p>Op de begane grond bevindt zich een open keuken/eetkamer. De keuken is van het bekende merk LUBE uit Le Marche en is uitgerust met twee koelkasten, een vaatwasser en meer. Er is ook een extra kamer die kan worden gebruikt als een kleine woonkamer of als de derde slaapkamer van het huis. Er is een grote badkamer met een ruime douche, een grote bijkeuken/wasruimte met een wasmachine en veel kastruimte, een grote opslagruimte en nog wat extra bergruimte in een kastje onder de trap. De vloeren zijn van terracotta tegels en de plafonds zijn van houten balken./p>p>Op de eerste verdieping komt u via de trap in een grote, lichte en open lounge met hoge plafonds en een adembenemend uitzicht op het landschap, met de Sibillini-bergen als achtergrond. Deze multifunctionele ruimte kan voor verschillende doeleinden worden gebruikt. Op deze verdieping zijn ook twee slaapkamers: de hoofdslaapkamer met een eigen badkamer en een logeerkamer./p>p>Casa del Fico is een unieke woning die comfort, stijl en duurzaamheid combineert. Het huis is in 2003 herbouwd door een architect die aandacht besteedde aan de anti-seismische structuur, de isolatie, de verwarming en de esthetiek. Het huis heeft vloerverwarming in de woonkamers, radiatoren in de slaapkamers en badkamers, en houtkachels voor extra gezelligheid. Het huis heeft ook dubbele beglazing, thermisch glas en horren op alle ramen en deuren. Het internet is snel en betrouwbaar./p>p>De tuin is een oase van rust en schoonheid, met een oppervlakte van 3.000 m². Er zijn veel bomen, bloemen en planten die kleur en geur geven aan het landschap. Er zijn ook fruitbomen, zoals wilde kersen, appels, druiven, walnoten en een enorme vijgenboom. Er zijn ook twee olijfbomen. De tuin heeft ook waterkranen en gootstenen voor het gemak. Het huis ligt op het zuiden en heeft veel privacy, maar is niet afgelegen. Het is een perfecte plek om te genieten van het Italiaanse leven./p>p>Casa del Fico is volledig gerenoveerd met respect voor de lokale tradities en materialen, en biedt alle comfort en voorzieningen die u nodig heeft voor een ontspannen verblijf. Het huis heeft twee loggia's waar u kunt genieten van de frisse lucht en de natuur, en een oude stenen trap die het karakter van de woning versterkt. Het huis is gemakkelijk bereikbaar via een korte onverharde weg die aansluit op een hoofdweg, Strada Statale 78./p>p>Casa del Fico heeft ook twee bijgebouwen die extra mogelijkheden bieden. Een daarvan is ongeveer 30 m² groot en moet nog worden opgeknapt. De andere is ongeveer 80 m² groot en bestaat uit twee verdiepingen. De bovenste verdieping is in 2015 gerestaureerd en wordt momenteel gebruikt als een gezellig kantoor met airconditioning en een houtkachel. De onderste verdieping dient als garage en houtopslag. Er is al een project goedgekeurd om van dit bijgebouw een tweede woonhuis te maken, dat kan worden aangepast aan uw wensen./p>p>Casa del Fico ligt vlakbij het historische stadje San Ginesio, dat bekend staat om zijn mooie uitzicht, parken en markten. Het huis ligt op een strategische locatie, op slechts 15 minuten van de SS77 Superstrada, waardoor u snel toegang heeft tot verschillende luchthavens. U kunt ook in 40 minuten naar de kust rijden of in 50 minuten naar Umbrië. Als u van de bergen houdt, kunt u in 20-25 minuten naar het Sibillini Nationaal Park gaan, waar u allerlei activiteiten kunt doen, zoals wandelen, fietsen, deltavliegen of gewoon relaxen./p> Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 280 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Dogliani (RBS39226)
140 000 €

12063 Dogliani

p>Instapklaar appartement!/p>p>Op een steenworp afstand van het centrum van Dogliani, de hoofdstad van de Dolcetto wijn, in een van de meest geliefde delen van Piemonte en op korte afstand van winkels, scholen etc., instapklaar appartement gerenoveerd in 2024 in moderne minimalistische stijl. De woning heeft een lift en is perfect om direct in te wonen, zonder zorgen, zonder verbouwing. Het appartement bestaat uit een grote hal, van waaruit je de lichte woonkamer en eetkamer - keuken binnenkomt, beide met toegang tot het terras vanwaar je het uitzicht op Dogliani Castello en de omliggende heuvels kunt bewonderen. Er zijn verder 2 ruime slaapkamers en de hoofdslaapkamer heeft een eigen uitgang naar een balkon met avondzon en uitzicht op de omliggende heuvels. Moderne badkamer met regendouche en eiken details op het meubilair, gastenkamer met een queensize bed, grote kledingkast. Ruime en functionele wasruimte. Entree, hal met plank en grote kledingkast, spiegel met hanglampen erboven. Gordijnen voor alle ramen. Alle radiatoren zijn geï>Een berging in de kelder en een berging op zolder maken het huis>Het huis is gerenoveerd met uitstekende materialen:br>- Het sanitair en de elektrische installatie zijn>- De vloeren zijn van>- De keuken is zeer goed uitgerustbr>- Grote kasten in alle kamersbr>- Veel meubels zijn speciaal gemaakt voor het appartementbr>Alle meubels zijn nieuw: keuken met geïntegreerde koelkast, marmeren betegelde badkamer, Granieten tegelvloer, laag plafond met spots, lichtschakelaars met Bluetooth. Veel meubels zijn speciaal ontworpen voor de kamers. Exclusieve deuren voor alle kamers met sloten aan de binnenkant. Er zijn niet veel vergelijkbare appartementen op de markt in dit gebied. br>Het resultaat is een zeer gezellige en speciale woning die direct klaar is om bewoond te worden!/p> Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 105 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Laglio (RBS39224)
1 050 000 €

22010 Laglio

p>Ontdek deze moderne villa in Laglio met een uitzicht waar je alleen maar van kan dromen! Gelegen in het hart van het pittoreske dorpje Laglio, op slechts 500 meter van het centrum, biedt deze vrijstaande villa een ongeëvenaarde woonervaring. De privétuin is de ideale plek voor momenten van ontspanning en gezelligheid in de buitenlucht. /p>h5>strong>Kenmerken van de villa/strong>/h5>p>De villa is verdeeld over drie verdiepingen, met een totale oppervlakte van 200 vierkante meter, ontworpen met hoogwaardige materialen en aandacht voor detail. Op de begane grond opent een uitnodigende entree de deur naar een lichte woonkamer met kitchenette, een badkamer en een praktische berging. Op de eerste verdieping leidt een tweede ingang naar een ruime woonkamer die uitkomt op een panoramisch terras, waar je kunt genieten van een adembenemend uitzicht op het meer en het omliggende landschap. Een volledig uitgeruste keuken en een tweede badkamer maken deze verdieping compleet. Tot slot vind je op de tweede verdieping drie ruime slaapkamers en een badkamer, die maximaal comfort en privacy bieden voor jou en je gasten./p>h5>strong>Duurzaamheid en modern comfort/strong>/h5>p>Deze strong>moderne villa in Laglio met uitzicht op het meer/strong> is ontworpen met een sterke toewijding aan duurzaamheid en comfort. Onder de vele voorzieningen vind je een condensatieketel, een verwarmingssysteem met radiatoren, thermische zonne-energie en fotovoltaïsche systemen. Daarnaast zorgt het geavanceerde domoticasysteem voor intuïtief beheer van verlichting, jaloezieën en temperatuur, voor een moderne woonervaring. De villa is in perfecte staat en beschikt over een Wi-Fi-systeem voor centraal beheer van rolluiken en verlichting./p>h5>strong>Laglio: een paradijs aan het Comomeer/strong>/h5>p>Laglio ligt aan de westelijke oever van het Comomeer en is een mooie kleine gemeente die bekend staat om zijn natuurlijke schoonheid en rustige omgeving. Dit stukje paradijs is perfect voor wie even weg wil uit de drukte van de grote steden, met een intieme en ontspannen sfeer./p>p>Het historische centrum van Laglio wordt gekenmerkt door geplaveide straatjes, stenen huizen en weelderige vegetatie. Dankzij het milde klimaat en de spectaculaire panoramische uitzichten is Laglio een ideale bestemming voor alle seizoenen, van de warme zomermaanden tot de sfeervolle herfsttinten./p>p>Bovendien is Laglio goed verbonden en ligt dichtbij andere beroemde badplaatsen aan het Comomeer, zoals Como, Bellagio en Lecco. Het is niet voor niets dat beroemdheden zoals George Clooney Laglio hebben gekozen als hun residentie. Laglio is een begeerde locatie voor zowel bewoners als toeristen./p>h5>strong>Mis deze kans niet/strong>/h5>p>Mis deze kans niet om eigenaar te worden van deze strong>moderne villa in Laglio met uitzicht op het meer/strong>, en te leven omringd door tijdloze schoonheid. Neem contact met ons op voor meer informatie en om een bezichtiging van dit prachtige pand te boeken!/p> Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 205 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Capo d'Orlando (RBS39200)
160 000 €

98071 Capo d'Orlando

Casa Guido - Capo d'Orlando200m above sea level on the side of a steep hill, Casa Guido offers one of the best sea views you could hope to find. The green slopes of the Nebrodi Park drop dramatically down to the crystal-clear Tyrrhenian Sea below, and the local beach is in full view. The grounds of this characterful property offer seclusion, abundant nature and phenomenal scenery.OVER 140m2 of indoor living spaceThe house has six rooms, divided at present between three distinct units, each with their own front door. Downstairs, one of these is a kitchen with a walk-in larder and a permanent wood-fired oven that you'll certainly want to find a way to retain. The next is a pair of rooms alongside this, the first of which opens directly onto the sea-view patio.Upstairs, three rooms of around 15m2 apiece are completed by a small bathroom big enough for a shower. Two of the rooms have deep balconies from which you can take in the best sea views on the property.A renovation project with incredible potentialSignificant renovation work will be needed, beginning with an overhaul of both Casa Guido's wiring and its plumbing. Electricity is already present, but you may want to lay pipes that will connect it to the municipal water and sewage mains, each around 30m from the property.It will be necessary to spend some money on the plastering and the exteriors, as well as on the 3,000m2 of gardens, which have the potential to be a beautiful space, with olive and lemon trees and of course those great panoramic views.You may also wish to add an internal staircase and a doorway between the ground floor spaces, in order to make your new purchase a bit more user-friendly. The end result, however, would be well worth the expenditure: a three-bedroom family home with over 140m2 of internal space and an unbeatable scenic location.The best of sicily's nature and community at your fingertipsThe beach that you can see from the edge of the plot is reachable in five minutes by car down a winding road. A similar journey along the coast brings you into the town of Capo d'Orlando.This is a beautiful seafront community and a well-managed town on the rise. If you haven't seen photos of the the new marina, built in 2017, they're really worth seeking out. It's not only a sign of the region's deep connection to the sea, but also of the outward-looking local administrations of the Nebrodi region.For a full description of the property please visit our website Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 162 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Lake Como (RBS39159)
1 850 000 €

22017 Lake Como

Fantastische nieuwbouwwoningen van hoog niveau met adembenemende zichten op het Comomeer met privé-tuin en zwembad. 3 slaapkamers, 3 badkamers. Toplocatie Argegno. Oplevering juni 2025. Extreem energiezuinig. (A+) Hoogstaand kwaliteitsproject op toplocatie! Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 180 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Menaggio (RBK26922)
690 000 €

22017 Menaggio

p>In het heuvellandschap boven Menaggio bieden we deze exclusieve vrijstaande villa aan, gelegen in een rustige residentiele woonwijk op een steenworp afstand van de bekende Menaggio Cadenabbia Golf Club./p>p>Het huis bestaat uit drie verdiepingen, op de begane grond vinden we de hal, een woonkamer met open keuken met toegang via openslaande deuren naar een groot overdekt terras met adembenemend uitzicht op het meer, een slaapkamer met tweepersoonsbed en>Op de eerste verdieping vinden we nog twee tweepersoonsslaapkamers, waarvan een met een panoramisch terras, en een>In het souterrain bevindt zich een grote taverne met een werkende houtgestookte open haard, wasruimte, berging en een ruime dubbele garage./p>p>Het huis wordt omringd door een privétuin, en is gelegen in een groene omgeving waar men kan genieten van de rust en de prachtige omliggende natuur./p>p>Toebehoren: Wandkast, Open haard, Schoorsteen, Dubbele ingang, onafhankelijke ingang, Wasserij, Autodoorgang, Voetgangersdoorgang, Gepantserde deur, Datanetwerk, Opslagruimte, Veranda/p>p>Een prachtige woning voor permanent gebruik of als vakantiehuis, op een unieke plek aan het Comomeer!/p>p> /p> Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 118 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Pachino (RBS34624)
230 000 €

96018 Pachino

Villa Renata - PachinoThis newly renovated villa is located in the municipality of Pachino and is ready to move into.SurroundingsIt is located in Contrada Chiappa (province of Syracuse), about 30 km from the beautiful Noto, 60 km from the centre of Syracuse and about 75 minutes from Catania airport. The property is less than 7 km from the centre of Pachino, where the main shops are located. The nearest towns are Ispica and Rosolini, where there is a large DIY store and a Lidl supermarket. Pachino also includes the almost fashionable Marzamemi, once a large tonnara, where today there are numerous restaurants and a promenade that is free of traffic in summer.The property can be reached via the asphalted Viale Stella Maris and the last approx. 150 metres via a paved dirt road (private road / dead end) and offers a magnificent view of the sea on one side and the well-tended and lush Sicilian countryside on the other. The area in which the property is located consists mainly of agricultural land and some streets with villas and detached houses (summer residences of the Sicilians). No plot is too close, the privacy is maximum and the tranquillity absolute.The proximity to the sea (approx. 400 metres as the crow flies) and to the ‘Pantani Longarini’ nature reserve as well as the surrounding countryside make the location extremely pleasant. The property has an access gate to the plot (not automatic) and is fully fenced. On the right side of the property there is a gate that gives access to a plot of land of approx. 1,400 metres with attractive ornamental plants. This plot is for sale and there may be an opportunity to purchase it.The propertyThe property is in excellent condition, the construction dates from the late 90's and is structurally regular (apart from the external porch that connects the property to the external kitchen. This is absolutely not a problem). The current owners have renovated the interior and installed a new kitchen in the last two years. Only the bathroom could still be renovated. In addition, the large terrace has been renovated with beautiful wall panels and the large garden areas have been ‘weeded’ and covered with protective film and mulch. A new lemon tree was also planted. For this reason, the exterior facades are now well preserved and maintained so that they do not require any intervention, and the interiors have also been perfectly restored. The property shows no signs of moisture penetration anywhere and the structural strength is also excellent.The 360-degree views that the property enjoys over the surrounding countryside are very beautiful. From the terrace on the first floor, you can enjoy a marvellous view of the sea and the Pantani Longarini, a lush nature reserve where wildlife and vegetation provide the rural context. The property is surrounded by the Sicilian countryside and does not border any other building plots. There is only one other villa in the same street, but about 150 metres away. Nevertheless, security is maximised, the area is super quiet and completely residential. Not far from the property, on the tarmac road, there are many plots, mostly small villas with private gardens.The houseThe property is on one level, about 20 metres above sea level. On the first floor, which is accessed via an external staircase, there is a terrace and a very useful attic used as a storage room. There are two formal entrance areas, one facing west and one facing north. The house can also be entered via the covered outdoor area. The south-facing terrace can also be accessed from the living room. The northern entrance leads to a small corridor that leads to two bedrooms and another corridor that leads to the bathroom, the third bedroom and the living area.The main area consists of a large living room with an open-plan kitchen. There is a fully functional fireplace which can be used to heat the house in the winter months. In the hallway there is still a stove pipe where a pellet stove used to be.There are also 3 large double bedrooms and a bathroom. The house is in excellent condition, fully furnished and already equipped with the most important appliances (washing machine, dishwasher, cooker, fridge). The bedrooms are in perfect condition, well painted and without humidity problems. There are two air conditioning units in the house, one in the living room and one in the master bedroom. The second bedroom has a ceiling fan. The windows and doors are double glazed. The electrical system is up to standard, as is the water system.External spacesThe external spaces adjoining the property are cemented at the front where the entrance gate is located.As soon as you enter the fully fenced plot, there is a large parking area where you can easily park up to three cars.To the two sides and rear, the outside areas are paved with non-slip ceramic tiles of excellent workmanship and in excellent condition.At the rear of the property there is a canopy that connects the property with a very generously equipped outdoor kitchen.Adjacent to the outdoor kitchen is a comfortable bathroom with shower and washbasin.This covered area is furnished with tables and seating where you can dine al fresco in comfort.To the left is a staircase that provides access to the terrace and the loft.Finally, on the right side of the property, a gate gives access to a beautiful block in a garden area of approximately 1,400 square metres.Services providedThe property is serviced by:Electricity: electricity is currently switched on.Internet: available with modem and mobile SIM cardMobile connection: 4G/5G mobile network coverage excellent; 150 megabyte/sec mobile download speedWater: cistern with a capacity of 10,000 litresTwo new air conditioning systems (cool and warm) were installed in summer 2022 and a new water pump in summer 2023Sewerage system: Imhoff pitIn autumn 2023, three surveillance cameras were installed, which can be remotely controlled via a SIM card (router) on a mobile phone. There is also a security system in the house with two motion detectors (subscription with security company in the region).ConclusionMy personal conclusion is that the property is valuable and attractive. The context in which the property is located is undeniably beautiful. The house has been maintained and repaired in the past two years, is therefore in very good condition and can be lived in immediately.If you are not planning to move to Italy permanently, you can continue to rent the flat while you are away.We are talking about one of the most beautiful areas of Sicily, where the crystal clear sea and the golden sandy beaches attract tourists from all over the world.Pachino is close to all the major cities of art and culture in the south-east of Sicily.Noto, Avola, Porto Palo del Capo Passero, Siracusa, Modica, Ragusa, Pozzallo and Scicli are all less than an hour's drive away.The property has remarkable strengths such as:Excellent condition of the roads connecting the property to the main centres of the areaBuilding in excellent condition, habitable without any interventionThe outdoor area can be equipped as desiredWonderful views of the countryside and the seaBeach less than 500 metres awayPrivacy and tranquillityMost of the furnishings can be taken over. Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 135 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Santa Flavia (RBS34619)
290 000 €

90017 Santa Flavia

Villetta Giusy – Santa FlaviaDetached house in perfect condition in the hinterland of Bagheria - approx. 10 km from the sea.This country house has a plot of about 2000 m² where you can even build a swimming pool. The house is in perfect, renovated condition. You enter the approx. 120 m² house into a very spacious eat-in kitchen with windows on three sides.The fitted kitchen will remain in the house and was specially made by a carpenter. There are three bedrooms in the house, with the master bedroom also having its own bathroom. A further bathroom is located in the central hallway. The house is situated on a provincial road with little traffic and has a very convenient driveway with an electric gate; there is plenty of parking space.The area is quiet but also inhabited in winter. On the provincial road to Bagheria you are on the motorway in 5 minutes and also in a supermarket. In Bagheria, 4 km away, there are all shopping facilities. From the house to the beach in Aspra it is 10 km or 15 minutes by car.In and around the house there are all the comforts you could wish for in Sicily. Starting with the well-tended garden around the house, the alarm system for the property and the air conditioning in the house. There is a pellet heating system in the extension, which keeps the house cosy and warm and also produces hot water. This system is supported by solar panels and perfect insulation of the windows, doors and walls. All light switches are prepared to be used digitally and the house is also lived in all year round by the current family.The family has two small children and as they have various afternoon activities in Bagheria, the parents have preferred to buy a house in Bagheria and then renovate and move in when the house here is sold. The current owners have certainly spent more on the purchase and renovation than they are now asking for this property.Apart from the furnishings - the kitchen remains in the house - a future owner will not have to invest anything. This house is perfect for year-round living, the city is not far away and you can enjoy the peace and quiet and nature in the countryside.The neighbourhoodThis property is located in the municipality of Santa Flavia, in the province of Palermo. Palermo is the fifth largest city in Italy and has an airport and a large ferry harbour that connects the city with the rest of the world.Palermo has seen a huge increase in tourists in recent years; this is also thanks to the mayor, who has transformed the only mafia capital of the seventies and eighties into a friendly, attractive island capital. Today, Palermo is one of the most important tourist hotspots in southern Italy. It attracts visitors not only with its pleasant climate, but also with its many historic buildings, beaches and good cuisine.PossibilitiesThis villetta is perfect for a couple or a family with children who are looking for a property to live in all year round, in which they do not need to invest anything to have a perfect home in the countryside. Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 120 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Civitanova Marche (RBS34490)
179 000 €

62012 Civitanova Marche

div>div>div>div>p>Appartamento Gabriele is een ruim appartement te koop van 125 vierkante meter gelegen in het hart van Civitanova Marche dichtbij het strand./p>p>Het appartement bevindt zich op de vijfde verdieping van een elegant gebouw uit de jaren 70, voorzien van een lift. De woning bestaat uit vier kamers, waaronder drie slaapkamers, een badkamer en een open keuken. Het beschikt over een onafhankelijke verwarmingsinstallatie, wat zorgt voor een hoog niveau van comfort en energie-efficiëntie./p>p>Het appartement verkeert in uitstekende staat, is direct beschikbaar en klaar om in te trekken. Twee balkons maken de woning compleet; één met een wasbak die aansluit op de keuken en een andere bij een van de slaapkamers./p>p>Deze woning is ideaal voor wie op zoek is naar een comfortabele leefomgeving, dicht bij de belangrijkste voorzieningen van de stad en het strand. Of u nu op zoek bent naar een nieuwe woning of een veilige investering met verhuurpotentieel, laat deze kans niet voorbijgaan!/p>/div>/div>/div>/div> Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 125 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Altavilla Milicia (RBS34457)
190 000 €

90010 Altavilla Milicia

Villa Maria Giovanna - AltavillaOnly 500m from the nearest beach, with sea views from the upper terraces, Villa Maria Giovanna is a very attractive proposition for a family who want a base for the summer, or perhaps a year-round home for an older couple who would like to be able to host their younger relations for regular visits.Convenience and great presentationThe two-storey property is a colourful semi-detached home in the district of Altavilla Milicia, about three kilometres east along the welcoming seafront from the main town and its train station. It doesn't lack privacy, with a wall and hedge screening it completely from its direct neighbour, and the district is a pleasant little area with a mix of holidaymakers and permanent residents.Built as recently as 2010, it is in great condition and doesn't need to have any money spent on it. The terracotta floor tiles, wooden windows and shutters and the lovely hardwood awning that shades the veranda outside the front door are all built well using high quality materials.Plenty of space indoors and outThe ground floor comprises a spacious living room, a separate kitchen, two guest bedrooms and a bathroom with a shower. Upstairs you will find a lovely master bedroom with some great views and a private terrace, a second terrace with a great view of the sea and surrounding hills alike, and another bathroom.The gardens that surround the building on three sides are paved to keep maintenance to a minimum, which could be a great advantage for a buyer who doesn't plan to live there all year. Alternatively it wouldn't take long to return it to the kind of lawn seen outside the house next door. In either case you will be sure to enjoy the verdant Mediterranean greenery that has been planted, including a lovely old olive tree.Good value and a friendly sellerThe house is sold complete with the kitchen, both bathrooms, an air conditioning unit, radiators and boilers. The vendor is motivated to make a deal and will consider reasonable offers on what is already an attractive asking price.For a full description of the property please visit our website Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 107 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Casteldaccia (RBS34449)
380 000 €

90014 Casteldaccia

Villa Valentina - CasteldacciaBeautifully refurbished just two years ago, Villa Valentina is in absolutely perfect condition, inside and out. From the beautifully finished, custom-made kitchen to the walk-in closets, the warm sun lounges to the sea-view terraces outdoors, there is a wealth of great design and natural beauty to be found in every corner of this lovely propertyConvenient for the City but Complete Peace and QuietThe 1980s-built, villa is found in the district of Casteldaccia, just 15km east of Palermo. All the advantages of proximity to Sicily's primary city (and best-connected airport) are readily available, with great dining, world class music, all manner of shops and a glistening new marina on your doorstep.However, the road on which the detached home has been built is extremely quiet and peaceful, well outside the centre of Casteldaccia and with uninterrupted views of the Tyrrhenian Sea and some impressively green surrounding countryside.180m2 of Indoor SpaceThe villa is built on two storeys, with a trio of well-proportioned bedrooms and two bathrooms. One of the guest rooms has direct access to the long, sunny balcony, while the master connects to a gloriously sunny home office space.Downstairs, the open-plan kitchen-cum-living room is a real highlight of the home. Around 50m2 n total, the well-lit space is divided in two by a kitchen island and connects to a cosy living room and an eye-catching staircase.Al Fresco Dining with a Sea ViewOutside, the long garden is divided into six levels as the plot makes its way downhill towards the sea. The prime spot is on the top terrace, to the rear of the house, where a fantastic outdoor kitchen is just begging to be used throughout the long hot Sicilian summers.For a full description of the property please visit our website Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 179 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Capo d'Orlando (RBS34429)
1 000 000 €

98071 Capo d'Orlando

Villa Marisa- Capo d'OrlandoVilla Marisa is located on the edge of the seaside resort of Capo Orlando. It is situated on a hill behind the town with a sweeping view of the sea and the Aeolian Islands off the coast.The propertyThe villa is reached via an asphalted road - an electric gate opened the entrance to the large parking lot. The plot is 1300m² in size and on the plot is the villa with canopies, which together with the 157m² of the house give a total living area of around 250m².The house has an exceptionally beautiful, well-kept garden with an English lawn and a 7 × 4 m swimming pool. The entire property is fenced. On the roof there is a photovoltaic system with 10kw/h production of electrical energy. Throughout the house there are radiators for central heating and various air conditioning units as well as a pellet stove. There are three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and a living room. On the north side of the villa there is a large canopy which has been glazed by the owner and thus functions as another large living room. Under this terrace there is a basement room of 55 m², which is accessible from the outside and which has been converted into a small apartment, but without being approved as a residential property, also because the room is perhaps 2.20 m high.SurroundingsThis beautiful villa with sea views in the scenic north of Sicily offers a unique view that one can only dream of when considering buying a property on our historic island. From the terraces, from the pool, from the barbecue area, the panorama is intoxicating.To the south rise the hills that will form the natural park of the Nebrodi Mountains, densely covered with green foliage. Along the coast, which leads east towards Messina, you will see beaches and towns, but also other vacation homes and houses inhabited all year round, perfectly positioned to contemplate the undulating Tyrrhenian Sea that unfolds to the north.On a clear day, the view of the volcanic Aeolian archipelago, one of the most seismically active areas in Europe, will take your breath away. The rocky islands lie some thirty kilometers out to sea, but the clarity with which they come into focus from your bird's eye view, almost 270 meters above sea level, is remarkable.PossibilitiesThis villa is only suitable for owner-occupation! It is in a fantastic location and the well-kept garden and pool leave nothing to be desired. No renovation backlog - ready to move into! Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 157 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Trabia (RBS34409)
240 000 €

90019 Trabia

Villa Rosanna – TrabiaDetached villa on 2 levels, newly renovated, perfectly insulated, with panoramic views of the coastThe propertyThe villa for sale is a detached house on two floors with panoramic views over the Gulf of Capo Zafferano to Cefalù, with an adjoining plot of land of approx. 1500 m2 with lush olive trees and a superstructure pool. Above all, it is energy self-sufficient thanks to the total energy renovation carried out in 2022 with the installation of a solar system on the roof, which guarantees an energy efficiency class A2 with an energy consumption of 88.97 kwh/m2 per year (the invoice below the photos clearly shows the very low consumption). The house with walls, roof and windows has been completely renovated and insulated, so the electricity bill together with the batteries will no longer be a problem for you.Thanks to the orography of the terrain, access to the villa from the outside is via two entrances that completely separate the two floors: a main entrance on the ground floor directly into the study and another via an external staircase that leads to the balcony on the first floor and extends around the entire perimeter of the building. The exterior design of the villa follows the natural course of the land with the olive grove extending laterally on one side and a reserved area for relaxing with a hammock on the other. Inside, the two floors are connected by an internal staircase made entirely of solid oak wood.On the ground floor there is a study, a bathroom and a room that is currently used as a living room but could easily be converted into a bedroom. Adjacent to the living room there is a small storage room with access from the outside, where the connections for a second kitchen are located, which can be realised and possibly connected to the first floor to guarantee it complete living autonomy.The first floor houses both the living area and the sleeping area with two bedrooms and two bathrooms. The living area is functionally divided with the kitchen located in an open-plan space with the living room. The kitchen leads to the terrace on the mountain side. From the living room you reach the balcony with views of the gulf. To the side, with reserved views of the meadow with olive trees, there is an equipped terrace covered by a wooden roof and transparent elements that houses the dining area and the brick barbecue, which is connected to the representative outdoor areas.The internal distribution therefore makes it possible to have two independent flats that could guarantee the presence of two families or even an investment opportunity with a second income.The unfurnished house is in a ready-to-move-in condition. The following work may need to be done by the buyer: Some paving stones are broken in the driveway and would need to be replaced, The railings on the upper balcony would need painting and one bedroom in particular, which was previously used as a nursery for 7 year old twins, would need painting. The vendors will no longer be doing this work.SurroundingsContrada Vucca Vanelle is characterised by stately villas built in the 80s and 90s, when the area experienced its greatest expansion, culminating in the construction of various holiday homes for the Palermitan middle class. Today, thanks to its connection to the city of Palermo, the area is a favourite destination for those who want to live in a quiet environment away from the noise of the city, both in summer and winter. The villa can be reached via provincial road 12, which is connected to the state road linking coastal towns such as San Nicola l'Arena, Altavilla Milicia and Trabia to the Palermo-Catania motorway.The sea and the motorway entrance can be reached in about ten minutes by car and the hillside location allows you to enjoy the freshness in summer and the panorama.OpportunitiesWe have already sold several villas in this area; the price was quite comparable depending on the size and condition - but no property had anywhere near these insulation values, which is characterised by low electricity consumption but also by a pleasant quality of living in summer and winter. Not to mention the better sales value! This will also play an even greater role in Sicily in the future.This is not just a holiday residence, but above all a villa that can be lived in all year round, just as it has been used in the past. It is being sold purely for family reasons. I could imagine that the sellers would also accept a slightly lower purchase offer in view of the minor cosmetic repairs. Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 142 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Cinisi (RBS34408)
200 000 €

90045 Cinisi

Casa Marilyn - CinisiVilla Marilyn with its large garden is located approximately 20 km west of the city limits of Palermo in the municipality of Cinisi. The village of Cinisi is located directly by the sea and just a few kilometers from Palermo airport.The propertyTo get to Villa Marilyn, drive about 7 km inland from the coast into the hills. The house is situated at 590 m above sea level and has a wonderful view of the north-west coast as far as San Vito lo Capo. The house was built almost 30 years ago by the current owner and makes a very solid impression. There are no damp patches or cracks in the walls. The approximately 120 m² apartment is located on the second floor and is accessed via an external staircase. Underneath is a large garage with adjoining cellar room of approximately 80 m². From here you can also access the apartment directly via a spiral staircase. There is also a toilet in the garage.The approx. 120 m² upper floor is divided as follows: You enter the eat-in kitchen and find yourself in a room of certainly 40 m² with windows facing the sea. From here, a corridor leads to the sleeping area, where there are three bedrooms and a bathroom. Everything is very practical, but even the floor tiles are not unfashionable and acceptable.The house has a pitched roof, which prevents the infiltration of water. Around the entire building, a so-called Indiana - which corresponds to a trench on the inside in front of the outer wall around the entire house - was created, which is a space about 1 m wide that prevents the penetration of moisture and cold. As you can see, this measure was successful!Around the house there is an orchard of almost 2000 m², which is not completely flat; in addition to olive trees, there are mainly fruit and nut trees. It is all very green and there seems to be no lack of water.The house does not have a municipal water connection, but it does have a well and rainwater can be collected in a 50,000-liter cistern. There are two springs just a few meters from the house where you can also fill up with drinking water.The surroundingsThere are some neighbors in the immediate vicinity who also live here all year round, but you still have total privacy and cannot be seen from your terrace. The village of Cinisi can be reached by car in about 10 minutes on a very well-developed winding provincial road, where there are also very beautiful sandy beaches and of course very good shopping facilities. Palermo city center can be reached in about 40-50 minutes, the airport in about 20 minutes. From the house you can start very nice hikes and enjoy the super view. There is cell phone reception at the house, Internet is received via a satellite dish.The owners are asking around €200,000 for this house. The house has all permits and would cost well over €340,000 as a new build. I would install double glazing in the windows, install radiators if necessary (the pipes are prepared) and update the electrical system as work required for year-round living. Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 140 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Capri Leone (RBS34401)
55 000 €

98070 Capri Leone

Casa Concetta – Two-bedroom Family House with Sea-view Terrace in Beautiful Nebrodi HillsA three storey home on the edge of a beautiful village, Casa Concetta offers one of the most quietly spectacular sea views to be found anywhere on the island. From every level of this affordable and potential-filled project home, you can take in the hills of the surrounding Nebrodi Natural Park, the Tyrrhenian Sea, just a few short kilometres to the north, and the dramatic Aeolian islands on the horizon.Dramatic Views to the NorthThe property is currently configured with two bedrooms and one bathroom, but it would not be complicated process to add a third bedroom with an en-suite. Take a look at our full listing for details of how this could be achieved on an affordable budget. The real pull is the covered terrace on the second floor, a large and inviting space where the panorama covers a full one hundred and eighty degrees. With no room for any possible development in between the property and a steep downhill slope, you can buy in complete certainty that this wonderful view will be yours and your family's to enjoy for as long as you like.In need of some restoration, having been empty since 2017, Casa Concetta is a gem that only needs to be polished, the fixtures and fittings replaced and some plastering done. Once this has been completed the charm of the region and that mesmeric view will give a thrilling reward.The Picturesque Nebrodi Park to the SouthCapri Leone is a little hilltop village in the district of Rocca di Caprileone – a larger town found fifteen minutes downhill at sea level. Here you'll find supermarkets, medical facilities and a gorgeous strip of beach from which you can catch a really special sunset.The Nebrodi is a quietly fascinating region, the largest natural park on the island, and home to some of its most famous culinary delicacies. Completely undiscovered by mass tourism, it is a chance to dive into the most authentic Sicily. With a total investment far below what you would pay for a ready-to-use property, you can become part of a friendly and welcoming community. Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 108 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Valderice (RBS34398)
589 000 €

91019 Valderice

Villa Milli ValdericeIn beautiful Valderice, just a few kilometres from Trapani, we offer you Villa Milli, with a splendid view of the sea, a lovely garden and a comfortable swimming pool.The contextValderice is a small but pretty village on a small hill, just a few kilometres from Erice and Trapani. The position of the village at an altitude of about 300 metres allows a splendid view of the surrounding area. The village has all the main services, restaurants, bars, supermarkets, etc.Trapani airport is less than 30 minutes away by car and all the main beaches of the west coast of Sicily can be reached in about 30 minutes: Scopello, Marsala, Castellammare del Golfo, San Vito lo Capo.The nearest sea is at Trapani, which can be reached in a few minutes. The villa is located in an exclusive residential area consisting only of one- and two-storey villas.The villaThe villa consists of two floors. It has a beautiful garden decorated with plants and flowers. Everything is very well maintained and in perfect condition.Directly behind the house is the swimming pool with its own bathroom, an outdoor shower and a kitchen with fireplaces and a barbecue to organise fantastic lunches and aperitifs.The property is fully fenced and offers maximum privacy thanks to the hedges and walls.Despite the proximity to the centre, peace and quiet are the most important things. You will only hear the chirping of the birds.When you enter the property through the gate, you will find yourself in a beautiful garden with lawn and ornamental olive trees. The garden is very well kept and in perfect condition. If you continue along the garden, you will come to a beautiful terrace where you can spend your afternoons or evenings, even in the winter months. From here, a staircase leads to the pool area, where you will find a shower, an outdoor kitchen, a bathroom and plenty of space for tables and loungers. The ideal place to spend the long Sicilian summer months in complete relaxation. The pool enjoys maximum privacy and absolute tranquillity.There is also a driveway gate that gives access to an open space where you can park your car. Perfectly situated among trees and plants, you enter the house through an entrance hall that leads to a hall with a fireplace on the right. On the left side of the hall is a corridor leading to a bathroom, a laundry room and a bedroom with bathroom.To the left of the entrance is the very large kitchen. Very characteristic is the orange colour of the resins and the large space where the dining table is.To the right of the entrance is the staircase leading to the first floor. Here there are two more large bedrooms, another bathroom with shower, hydro-massage bathtub and double washbasin, and a TV room that gives access to the terrace overlooking the pool and the sea.The villa was designed by a well-known local architect and although it was built almost 20 years ago, it has retained its charm and is still modern and, above all, perfectly maintained. Several design elements make this property stand out: The orange resins, the semi-spiral staircase, the floor-to-ceiling window on the first floor through which you can see down, the large bathroom with shower and Jacuzzi, the outdoor terrace and the swimming pool give the property a character all of its own.No work of any kind is required. The house is ready to be lived in. Some of the custom-made furniture is included in the sale price of the house, while a separate negotiation can be opened for the rest if you are interested.The house has an autonomous heating system. Thanks to the radiators and air conditioning throughout the house, it can be lived in all year round.Size 240 square metersGarden 480 square metersSwimming pool: 12 X 4,5 metersServices:Water: Connection to municipal aqueductWater: connection to municipal aqueduct + 24,000 litre emergency cisternHot water: Methane boilerHeating: Methane boiler (connected to municipal methane plant)AC in all roomsMobile phone network: Excellent download speed 80 megaWooden window frames without double glazing with external shuttersPerimeter alarm1 parking space1 pateo (conservatory)Composition Villa:Ground floor:Living room with fireplaceKitchen with living room1 bedroom with bathroom1 bathroom1 laundry roomGarden with poolKitchen with barbecue + outdoor showerStorage room1 parking spaceFirst floor:TV room2 bedrooms2 bathrooms1 terrace Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 240 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Collesano (RBS34396)
360 000 €

90016 Collesano

Villa Macaluso - CollesanoFabulous three-bedroom family villa with swimming pool in sicily's madonie parkA large, three-bedroom family villa on the lower slopes of the Madonie Natural Park, Villa Macaluso offers over 277m2 of internal space, plus terraces, immaculate gardens and a swimming pool.The 2800m2 plot has been cultivated, planted with fruit trees, a small olive grove and all of the typical Sicilian foliage that creates such an unmistakeable array of scents and colours. Three bedrooms, and space to sleep eight with easeThe villa itself is divided into two floors, with the bedrooms downstairs at garden level, off a huge open-plan family room. There are a pair of bathrooms, each with showers and one with a claw footed bath.Upstairs the living room is bright and fresh in the summer, opening onto one of the villa's many sunny terraces – but impressively cosy in the short Sicilian winter, thanks to the beautiful open fire at one end. The kitchen is spacious and practical, and the seller is prepared to include all fittings and contents in the eventual sale price. This includes an oven, gas hob, fridge-freezer and dishwasher.Fabulous variety of outdoor spacesThe gardens are magnificent. Particular care and attention has been paid to the lush Bermuda grass lawn, defying the warm dry climate to thrive thanks to irrigation from a private well. The centerpiece of this outdoor space, though, is the gloriously inviting swimming pool, covered by a practical retractable roof to keep it in perfect condition.Excellent value for moneyWith the entire picture framed by a thoughtfully cultivated array of cacti, trees and flowers, Villa Macaluso is an indulgent and luxurious haven in which to escape from the world and soak up the sunshine – at a price that belies its size, facilities and quality of work. Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 277 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Pollina (RBS34389)
50 000 €

90010 Pollina

Casa li bianchi - pollinaPartially restored three-bedroom house in the madonie Spacious and bursting with potentialOn three storeys (though mostly on two), with balconies offering magic views of the Madonie Natural Park and as far as Mount Etna on the horizon, Casa Li Bianchi is a restoration project that would make a second home, popular guest house or the perfect spot from which to smartwork in dazzling surroundings.With room for three, perhaps four bedrooms and all the character of a Sicilian home, this house will make a perfect place to bring a large family for holidays, or even to start a new life in the sun.Sea views and green hillsidesPollina is a delightful hilltop village with astonishing views, up into the hills of the park but notably out to the Mediterranean sea, which lies just a few kilometres to the north. A stone's throw from Cefalù, within easy reach of Palermo and with the Aeolian Islands in full view on a clear day, this little escape 400m above sea level has remained beautifully untouched by the throngs of mass tourism and retains an unmistakeable Sicilian charm.A job already half completeRenovating old property on the island can be fraught with challenges, but this is a superb opportunity for a first timer. The entire skeleton, save for one small internal room, has been recently rebuilt to a high, seismic-safe standard, with new walls, roof, floors, doors, and balconies. Even the pipes are still gleaming!Take advantage of the chance to do the fun part – the interior design, the finishing touches – and end up with the Sicilian hideaway you always dreamt of, with a fraction of the time and expense needed to take on the majority of the renovation projects the island has to offer. Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 105 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Valderice (RBS34386)
365 000 €

91019 Valderice

Villa Rosanna - BonagiaBrand new beach house for sale in sicily with pool and sea viewsSix hundred metres from the nearest beach and with views of the sea and surrounding mountains, Villa Rosanna is a brand new, semi-detached beach home in a quiet corner of western Sicily. The private swimming pool and palm tree-framed sun terrace will make the perfect backdrop to endless days of sunny family memories.The most convenient way possible to buyYou won't find a simpler way to buy a second home or vacation rental in Sicily. The never-inhabited property is of course in completely mint condition, with no expense spared on construction, furnishings or fittings. Sold exactly as seen, you won't so much as need to make a trek to the local furniture store.Modern fittings and all the furniture you needVilla Rosanna has three bedrooms, a living room-diner, kitchen and two bathrooms. The living area opens smoothly onto the garden, which wraps around the house on three sides. The kitchen is equipped with all the necessary amenities, including cooker and extractor fan, fridge-freezer and a dishwasher.Outside, a second kitchen features a sink and gas hob, meaning that you don't even need to step away from the conversation your guests are enjoying as you rustle them up a fabulous locally-sourced feast.Comfortable and practical bedroomsUpstairs, the master bedroom is bright and sunny, opening onto a large balcony with views along a broad stretch of coastline. The guest bedroom comes with a comfortable double bed, and a third room is perfect for the younger guests, with bunk beds and a safely-enclosed little balcony to the rear of the property.There are plenty of fitted cupboards, wardrobes and bookshelves to make you feel well and truly at home in no time at all. Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 138 3 Badkamer(s)
Huis te koop Parrano (RBI66672)
428 000 €

05010 Parrano

p>Deze boerderij, gerenoveerd met smaak en aandacht voor detail, is de afgelopen jaren gebruikt als vakantiehuis en kunstboerderij, U kunt lopend naar het dorp en woont toch in een landelijke omgeving./p>p>De woonboerderij heeft een oppervlakte van circa 340 bruto m², waarvan 79m2 terrassen en loggia's. De bewoonbare en gerenoveerde oppervlakte bedraagt ​​circa 160m2. Het pand als geheel heeft drie verdiepingen, waarvan er twee gerenoveerd en bewoonbaar zijn, als volgt verdeeld: Begane grond: grote woonkamer met panoramisch balkon, eethoek, kitchenette/kitchenette , slaapkamer met loggia, bad. Eerste verdieping: twee slaapkamers met hun respectievelijke badkamers. Deze kamers zijn gerenoveerd met respect voor de oorspronkelijke structuur, waarbij de stenen muren, terracotta vloeren en plafonds met antieke houten balken behouden zijn gebleven. In de kelderverdiepingen, verspreid over verschillende niveaus met fantastische terrassen en met uitzicht op het dorp, zijn er zeven kamers die potentieel geschikt zijn voor een typische taverne en nu worden gebruikt als pakhuizen, houtschuur en een oude grot die wordt gebruikt als kelder met een natuurlijke waterrad erin./p>p>De woning heeft een gemakkelijke toegangsweg gereserveerd voor het naburige huis en de bewoners die er langs lopen. Het pand heeft een spectaculair terrasvormig balkon met een exclusief perceel van 6000 m2 met olijf- en fruitbomen. De boerderij, de laatste jaren in gebruik als kunstboerderij, is een echte lokale parel. In sommige delen van de met kalk gepleisterde muren zijn fresco's van de huidige eigenaar (kunstenaar - schilder) opgenomen./p>p>De boerderij is op de twee woonverdiepingen gerenoveerd met smaak, aandacht, en mooie materiaalkeuze, waarbij veel van de originele details behouden zijn gebleven met artistieke en functionele accenten. Het accentueert de zichtbare stenen, de houten en bakstenen plafonds en de terracotta vloeren. De kelder met meerdere niveaus bevindt zich in ruwe staat en vereist werk; Het heeft een groot potentieel om een ​​taverne en een kunststudio/workshopruimte te creëren. Kastanjehouten kozijnen met dubbele beglazing. Mogelijkheid om een ​​zwembad of een binnenbad te bouwen in de keldergrot met een spa./p>p>De woning is gelegen in Umbrië, met gemakkelijke en directe toegang direct aan een asfaltweg dichtbij het historische centrum. Het heeft één kant die uitkijkt op de weg met een nabijgelegen huis en drie kanten op het open platteland. In Umbrië, op de grens met Toscane en vlakbij het middeleeuwse dorp Parrano, te voet bereikbaar, beroemd om de bron Tane del Diavolo waar warm thermaal water stroomt met een zwembad open voor publiek. Het treinstation en de afrit van de snelweg A1 Rome – Florence liggen op 8/10 km afstand. In 20/60 minuten bereikt u Perugia, Orvieto, Todi en Assisi; de meren Trasimeno en Bolsena, Val d'Orcia, Pienza, Montepulciano, Cetona en San Casciano dei Bagni. Rome en Florence liggen op 90/100 minuten afstand, ze zijn aangesloten op het snelwegnetwerk en het Fabro treinstation op 10 minuten afstand./p> Meer weten?

3 Slaapkamer(s) 159 3 Badkamer(s)