Stéphanie is located 33 Rue Berckmans 1060 Saint-Gilles. It’s a big house of 35 people. Common areas include a kitchen, a big living room with tv and sofas, a gym, a laundry and a big garden with barbecue and chairs to lounge on. In the kitchen, everyone has a private cupboard with fridge, cutlery, pans and pots and dish ware. Washing machines and tumblers are operated with 2€ tokens. There is a stay tax 4.58€/day. Room 313 in Stephanie house is on third floor floor streetside. It is approximately 18sqm. The bathroom is en suite with a private toilet on the same floor. 🍽️ ONLY WITH US, each housemate gets their own private fridge, a private cupboard, (closed with your key) and also private dishes provided. Move-in/out: Hassle-free with walk-throughs available for 50€ each. ⚠️Contract Flexibility: Start on the 1st or 16th of each month, with bimonthly payments. Domiciliation: Allowed for your convenience. 📝 Stay Tax: 4,58€/day ⚠️There is also an initial installation fee, which varies according to the period for which the tenant wishes to rent the room. The fee is 300 euros for contracts of less than 3 months, 150 euros for contracts of 3 to 6 months and no fee for contracts of more than 6 months. We have proportionately more charges depending on the length of the contract, such as for refurbishment, normal wear and tear and administrative time required. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Book it today and secure your spot in this amazing community. Meer weten?
Appartement in medehuur - Sint-Gillis (pagina 3)
Stéphanie is located 33 Rue Berckmans 1060 Saint-Gilles. It’s a big house of 35 people. Common areas include a kitchen, a big living room with tv and sofas, a gym, a laundry and a big garden with barbecue and chairs to lounge on. In the kitchen, everyone has a private cupboard with fridge, cutlery, pans and pots and dish ware. Washing machines and tumblers are operated with 2€ tokens. There is a stay tax 4.58€/day. Room 423 in Stephanie house is on third floor garden side. It is approximately 18sqm. The bathroom is en suite with a shared toilet on the same floor. 🍽️ ONLY WITH US, each housemate gets their own private fridge, a private cupboard, (closed with your key) and also private dishes provided. Move-in/out: Hassle-free with walk-throughs available for 50€ each. ⚠️Contract Flexibility: Start on the 1st or 16th of each month, with bimonthly payments. Domiciliation: Allowed for your convenience. 📝 Stay Tax: 4,58€/day ⚠️There is also an initial installation fee, which varies according to the period for which the tenant wishes to rent the room. The fee is 300 euros for contracts of less than 3 months, 150 euros for contracts of 3 to 6 months and no fee for contracts of more than 6 months. We have proportionately more charges depending on the length of the contract, such as for refurbishment, normal wear and tear and administrative time required. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity! Book it today and secure your spot in this amazing community. Meer weten?
La résidence se trouvant Chaussée de Charleroi est une maison de maître de style éclectique, entièrement rénovée qui peut accueillir 9 Co-Homers. Tout dans l’aménagement a été pensé pour le confort et le bien-être des occupants, avec un judicieux équilibre entre parties communes et parties privatives. Le cœur de la maison est la cuisine. Equipée d’un four, de taques électriques, d’éviers, de micro-ondes...elle sera l’endroit parfait pour concocter des repas trois services ou réchauffer une pizza, à chacun ses goûts et ses compétences. Top du top : chaque Co-Homer y dispose d’une armoire et d’un frigo privatifs. La cuisine s’ouvre sur un lumineux séjour avec vue sur un joli jardin de ville. Une immense table et un coin salon seront propices au partage des repas ou toute autre activité de détente. Une porte-fenêtre donne directement accès à une terrasse et au jardin arboré.En été, ce jardin deviendra le point de ralliement de la maisonnée. Tout y est prévu pour se détendre au soleil, prendre un verre ou organiser un barbecue. On s’y voit déjà, n’est-ce pas ? Si vous avez de l’énergie à revendre ou même si vous devez vous forcer, une salle de sport est à votre disposition : tapis de course, presse et autres instruments vous y attendent. Cette chambre est équipée d’un lit double, un fauteuil, une armoire, un bureau, une chaise, un miroir et point essentiel : une toilette et une salle de bain privatives. Toutes les chambres possèdent des tentures afin de vous assurer de bonnes nuits de repos.Tous les meubles sont modernes et confortables, faciles à nettoyer et faits pour durer. Parce que nous aussi nous pensons à l’environnement, nous avons fabriqué les meubles de notre cuisine dans notre propre menuiserie, avec du bois provenant de Belgique. Et dans le même esprit, un espace a été aménagé pour les éventuels vélos ou trottinettes. Stay tax 4.58€/day ⚠️There is also an initial installation fee, which varies according to the period for which the tenant wishes to rent the room. The fee is 300 euros for contracts of less than 3 months, 150 euros for contracts of 3 to 6 months and no fee for contracts of more than 6 months. We have proportionately more charges depending on the length of the contract, such as for refurbishment, normal wear and tear and administrative time required. Meer weten?
La résidence se trouvant Chaussée de Charleroi est une maison de maître de style éclectique, entièrement rénovée qui peut accueillir 9 Co-Homers. Tout dans l’aménagement a été pensé pour le confort et le bien-être des occupants, avec un judicieux équilibre entre parties communes et parties privatives. Le cœur de la maison est la cuisine. Equipée d’un four, de taques électriques, d’éviers, de micro-ondes...elle sera l’endroit parfait pour concocter des repas trois services ou réchauffer une pizza, à chacun ses goûts et ses compétences. Top du top : chaque Co-Homer y dispose d’une armoire et d’un frigo privatifs. La cuisine s’ouvre sur un lumineux séjour avec vue sur un joli jardin de ville. Une immense table et un coin salon seront propices au partage des repas ou toute autre activité de détente. Une porte-fenêtre donne directement accès à une terrasse et au jardin arboré.En été, ce jardin deviendra le point de ralliement de la maisonnée. Tout y est prévu pour se détendre au soleil, prendre un verre ou organiser un barbecue. On s’y voit déjà, n’est-ce pas ? Si vous avez de l’énergie à revendre ou même si vous devez vous forcer, une salle de sport est à votre disposition : tapis de course, presse et autres instruments vous y attendent. Cette chambre est équipée d’un lit double, un fauteuil ou divan, une armoire, un bureau, une chaise, un miroir et point essentiel : une toilette et une salle de bain privatives. Elle possède aussi sa propre terrasse! Toutes les chambres possèdent des tentures afin de vous assurer de bonnes nuits de repos.Tous les meubles sont modernes et confortables, faciles à nettoyer et faits pour durer. Parce que nous aussi nous pensons à l’environnement, nous avons fabriqué les meubles de notre cuisine dans notre propre menuiserie, avec du bois provenant de Belgique. Et dans le même esprit, un espace a été aménagé pour les éventuels vélos ou trottinettes. (For short period contracts, we ask a participation fee of 125€ and intrance and exit inventory will be charged 25€/each) Stay tax 4.58€/day ⚠️There is also an initial installation fee, which varies according to the period for which the tenant wishes to rent the room. The fee is 300 euros for contracts of less than 3 months, 150 euros for contracts of 3 to 6 months and no fee for contracts of more than 6 months. We have proportionately more charges depending on the length of the contract, such as for refurbishment, normal wear and tear and administrative time required. Meer weten?
The (hidden)e House can host 13 Co-Homies in spacious rooms. Located Avenue Henri Jaspar 112, it’s close to (hidden)e of course but also close to Hotel des Monnaies, with metro 2 and 6 and to bus St Gilles Porte de Hal, with buses 123, 365a and W. Right at the heart of St-Gilles this beautiful house also has an amazing courtyard with barbecue, a tv room and a gym. The kitchen is as usual equipped with our signature cabinet that includes a fridge, cutlery, pans and pots and dishware. Room 13, 17 sqm, 970€/month all bills included. The room is located on the 3rd floor. It has a private bathroom +toilet in the attic. ! Check in/ out each costs 35€ + short term stay ( = or - 6 months) one time fee of 150€ Stay tax = 4,58€ /day ⚠️There is also an initial installation fee, which varies according to the period for which the tenant wishes to rent the room. The fee is 300 euros for contracts of less than 3 months, 150 euros for contracts of 3 to 6 months and no fee for contracts of more than 6 months. We have proportionately more charges depending on the length of the contract, such as for refurbishment, normal wear and tear and administrative time required. Meer weten?
The Parvis House can host 13 Co-Homers in spacious rooms. Located Avenue Henri Jaspar 112, it’s close to the parvis of course but also close to Hotel des Monnaies, with metro 2 and 6 and to bus St Gilles Porte de Hal, with buses 123, 365a and W. Right at the heart of St-Gilles this beautiful house also has an amazing courtyard with barbecue, a tv room and a gym. The kitchen is as usual equipped with our signature cabinet that includes a fridge, cutlery, pans and pots and dishware. Room 1, 16sqm , 880€/month all bills included. The room is located on the -1 floor garden side, it has a private bathroom + toilet en suite and a dressing. ! Check in/ out each costs 35€ + short term stay ( = or - 6 months) one time fee of 150€ The possible stay tax shall be borne by the tenant. Stay tax 4.58€/day ⚠️There is also an initial installation fee, which varies according to the period for which the tenant wishes to rent the room. The fee is 300 euros for contracts of less than 3 months, 150 euros for contracts of 3 to 6 months and no fee for contracts of more than 6 months. We have proportionately more charges depending on the length of the contract, such as for refurbishment, normal wear and tear and administrative time required. Meer weten?
The (hidden)e House can host 13 Co-Homies in spacious rooms. Located Avenue Henri Jaspar 112, it’s close to (hidden)e of course but also close to Hotel des Monnaies, with metro 2 and 6 and to bus St Gilles Porte de Hal, with buses 123, 365a and W. Right at the heart of St-Gilles this beautiful house also has an amazing courtyard with barbecue, a tv room and a gym. The kitchen is as usual equipped with our signature cabinet that includes a fridge, cutlery, pans and pots and dishware. Room 11, 17 sqm, 960€/month all bills included. The room is located on the 3rd floor. It has a private bathroom +toilet in the attic. ! Check in/ out each costs 35€ + short term stay ( = or - 6 months) one time fee of 150€ Stay tax = 4,58€ /day ⚠️There is also an initial installation fee, which varies according to the period for which the tenant wishes to rent the room. The fee is 300 euros for contracts of less than 3 months, 150 euros for contracts of 3 to 6 months and no fee for contracts of more than 6 months. We have proportionately more charges depending on the length of the contract, such as for refurbishment, normal wear and tear and administrative time required. Meer weten?
Colocation jeune fille uniquement (5 colocataires) Dans belle maison de maître, chambre d'étudiante, stagiaire ou de jeune active, spacieuse et lumineuse, entièrement meublée situé au 3ème étage. La salle de douche et toilette à partager à 2, grande cuisine équipée moderne à partager à 5, machine à laver. Prox. Porte de Hal et Parvis de Saint-Gilles. Nombreux transports, bonne connection en metro vers Quartier Européen, TGV, marché quotidien et nombreux commerces. --------------- Co-renting with 5 female roommates. The room for student or trainee/young professional, big and luminous room, entirely furnished. The shower room and WC to share with 2, separate WC, equipped kitchen, washing machine. House is located closed to Porte de Hal and Parvis de Saint-Gilles, numerous transport facilities, good metro connection to European Quarter, TGV, daily market and numerous shops and bars/restaurants. Meer weten?
Maison rénovée en 2019, entièrement équipée et meublée, quartier Châtel(hidden)ruxelles/St Gilles, proche de nombreux commerces, transports en commun et facilités. 10 chambres meublées chacune avec sdb privée. Jardin, terrasse. Buanderie. ### Meer weten?
The (hidden)e House can host 13 Co-Homies in spacious rooms. Located Avenue Henri Jaspar 112, it’s close to (hidden)e of course but also close to Hotel des Monnaies, with metro 2 and 6 and to bus St Gilles Porte de Hal, with buses 123, 365a and W. Right at the heart of St-Gilles this beautiful house also has an amazing courtyard with barbecue, a tv room and a gym. The kitchen is as usual equipped with our signature cabinet that includes a fridge, cutlery, pans and pots and dishware. Room 3, 13sqm, 910€/month all bills included. The room is located on a mezzanine floor on the courtyard side. It has a private bathroom + toilet en suite. ! Check in/ out each costs 35€ + short term stay ( = or - 6 months) one time fee of 150€ Stay tax = 4,58€ /day ⚠️There is also an initial installation fee, which varies according to the period for which the tenant wishes to rent the room. The fee is 300 euros for contracts of less than 3 months, 150 euros for contracts of 3 to 6 months and no fee for contracts of more than 6 months. We have proportionately more charges depending on the length of the contract, such as for refurbishment, normal wear and tear and administrative time required. Meer weten?
The (hidden)e House can host 13 Co-Homies in spacious rooms. Located Avenue Henri Jaspar 112, it’s close to the (hidden)e Hub of course but also close to Hotel des Monnaies, with metro 2 and 6 and to bus St Gilles Porte de Hal, with buses 123, 365a and W. Right at the heart of St-Gilles this beautiful house also has an amazing courtyard with barbecue, a tv room and a gym. Stay tax 1€/day The kitchen is as usual equipped with our signature cabinet that includes a fridge, cutlery, pans and pots and dishware. Stay tax 4.16€/day Room 6, 17sqm, 980€/month all bills included. The room is located on the first floor courtyard side. It has a private bathroom + toilet en suite. ! Check in/ out each costs 35€ + short term stay ( = or - 6 months) one time fee of 150€ Stay tax = 4,58€ /day ⚠️There is also an initial installation fee, which varies according to the period for which the tenant wishes to rent the room. The fee is 300 euros for contracts of less than 3 months, 150 euros for contracts of 3 to 6 months and no fee for contracts of more than 6 months. We have proportionately more charges depending on the length of the contract, such as for refurbishment, normal wear and tear and administrative time required. Meer weten?
Chambre meublée dans une grande maison de co-living rénovée en 2019, entièrement équipée et meublée, avec nettoyage et maintenance. Terrasse, jardin. Buanderie, cave. Chambre meublée, salle de bain privée. Quartier Châtelain/St Gilles, à proximité de nombreux commerces et transports en commun et facilités. ### Meer weten?
Chatelain, Chaussée de Charleroi (hidden) Saint-Gilles, is a house of 9 people, most of the tenants are interns. As per usual in our houses, kitchen is shared however all tenants have a private cupboard with fridge, cutlery, pans and pots. There is also a tv room, a lounge room, and a mini gym. There is as well a beautiful garden with barbecue. Stay tax 4.58€/day Room 8 is the mezzanine room. The bed is on a mezzanine floor and downstairs you will find private bathroom + toilet en suite, desk, sofa and wardrobe. 1000€/month all bills included Practicalities, we always ask a deposit of two months rent. Move in and out walk throughs each cost 35€. For contracts of 6 months or less, there is a onetime fee of 150€ to be paid with the first rent. Contracts start on the 1st and 16th of each month and are bimonthly, meaning that each fortnight started is due. Domiciliation is allowed. Please mind that there is a stay tax of 1€/day (minimum) in all buildings. ⚠️There is also an initial installation fee, which varies according to the period for which the tenant wishes to rent the room. The fee is 300 euros for contracts of less than 3 months, 150 euros for contracts of 3 to 6 months and no fee for contracts of more than 6 months. We have proportionately more charges depending on the length of the contract, such as for refurbishment, normal wear and tear and administrative time required. Meer weten?
Bonjour, Nous louons un loft dans notre maison familiale sur Junction Avenue. Le loft est grand et lumineux et comprend: 1. Vue sur les jardins environnants. 2. Deux lits simples, une armoire, des étagères, une table à manger, un bureau, et un canapé. 3. SALLE DE DOUCHE (privée). 4. CUISINE (privée). Elle comprend un réfrigérateur, des plaques de cuisson et des ustensiles de base. 5. FER et planche à repasser. 6.INTERNET, accès à internet haut-débit illimité 7. LAVERIE (wasserette) près de la maison 8. Espace pour vélos dans le hall d'entrée. 9. EXCELLENT TRANSPORT PUBLIC: ligne directe vers le centre-ville (tram direct n ° 4, n ° 55, n ° 92), quartiers européens (bus direct n ° 54), ULB (tramway direct n ° 3), ISTI (bus direct n ° 136/137 ) ATTENTION : locataires calmes et propres uniquement. Pas d'invités dans la maison sans authorisation préalable. Meer weten?
🏠 **Furnished Room in Spacious Co-living House on Chaussée de Charleroi, Brussels** ✨ Beautifully renovated in 2019, this large co-living house is fully equipped and furnished, offering everything you need for a comfortable stay. Enjoy the shared terrace and garden for relaxing outdoors 🌳, as well as convenient on-site laundry facilities and a cellar for extra storage. 🛏️ The furnished room comes with its own private bathroom, providing a personal retreat within this vibrant shared home. Weekly cleaning and maintenance services are included to ensure a hassle-free living experience 🧼. 📍 Neighbourhood: Located in the trendy Châtelain/St Gilles area, you'll be surrounded by a lively mix of shops, cafes, and restaurants 🛍️☕🍽️. This neighbourhood is known for its charming streets, local markets, and vibrant cultural scene, making it one of the most sought-after areas in Brussels. 🚇 Public Transport: You'll have excellent access to public transport. Several tram and bus lines run nearby, providing easy connections throughout the city. The Louise metro station is just a short walk away, giving you quick access to major attractions and business districts 🚉. 🌐 For a virtual tour, click here: ### Meer weten?